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"Mm Evan Peters."
"Nope, Max Thieroit."
"Evan is better looking, I don't know how you can't see it," Lottie muttered as her and Emily walked down a muddy path, on the way back from their school.
"Do you want the rest of these?" Lottie shook her box of fries, Emily shook her head.
"Throw them to that dog, it look hungry," She nodded towards a scruffy looking, but pretty large stray.
"Are dogs aloud fries?" Lottie asked. Emily shrugged.
"Alright," She threw the box towards the stray, it bared it's teeth and started growling.
"Oh crap."
"Run," Emily demanded, already heading off, her mermaid like hair- pale pink and purple- flying behind her as Lottie sprinted after.
"In here," She yelled, pulling open a red door to a root cellar. The animal was a few feet behind them so Lottie decided she had no choice but to jump in and slam the door after her. It wasn't very interesting inside, just a normal dusty shed filled with boxes and tables and tools.
After 2 minutes of standing in silence, they began to hear scratching from outside.
"Is that the dog? Do you think it could get in?" Emily asked.
"I don't know... Is that a door?" Lottie asked, pointing towards the wall.
"Yeah, I think so."
Lottie went over to it, trying to pry it open with a metal stick she'd found on one of the tables.
Eventually, she managed to pull it open.
"It's... A tunnel. Do you wanna see?" She asked, climbing inside. Emily sighed, curiosity overcoming her as she followed. It was almost cave-like, the walls were rocky as they trailed their hands along it.
"I'm kinda scared... What if the walls collapse. It feels like we're in a horror movie. Hey what's that?" Lottie asked as they could see a white fog in the distance.
"I don't know but it's coming closer." By the time Emily finished her sentence, they were almost right in the mist. Both of the girls tried to turn around to run but suddenly they were pulled in to darkness.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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