My Sun

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"Why do you do this?"

Tearfilled cerulean eyes met shocked lilac. The man took a step forward, only to be met with the woman's step back.

"Why do you keep fighting for them?"

The woman's shock was replaced with confusion, a small smile adorning her features.

"Because it's my job to protect." 

The man took another step towards her, thankful that she didn't take one back. The frustration he felt at her response only bubbled until it spilled over the edge.

"But why! They don't see you, they don't see your love, all they see is your power!" The tears that threatened to spill from his eyes grew tired of waiting, falling in streams down his face.

"All they see is a sword and shield protecting them until it breaks. They don't see the woman holding them! They don't see the woman who would lay down her life if it meant that at least one person would live to see another day!"

"Hey, Leo"

The young boy's attention was drawn away from the sunset, his cerulean eyes meeting lilac.

"What is it Ivelle?"

The girl stood up, making her way to stand in front of the boy. A confident and proud aura radiating off of her in waves, the boy couldn't help but look at her in awe.

"I'm going to be a hero!"


He raised his hand, signaling her to stop.

"No, Ivelle. I know you made a promise. I know you spent your life training to become what you are today." His hand fell, settling at his side. The tears still haven't stopped. "But is it really worth it? Is being a hero worth it?"

The boy's look of awe was replaced by uncertainty. Noticing the change in him, the girl held out her hand to him, a bright and hopeful smile adorning her features.

"And I want to know, will you be there with me?"

"Do you remember when we were kids and you decided that you'd become a hero?"

The boy felt all of his worries melt away from the sight of her smile.

"You asked me if I would be there with you, at your side while you saved lives." The man gave a melancholic smile, the tears that were once falling from his eyes had stopped.

"You held your hand out to me and gave me that smile. That smile that I have always loved to see, one that could rival the sun and come out victorious." He lifted his head and gazed at her face. Tears started to appear in her eyes from the overwhelming love that shone in his eyes for her, for her.

"I had never felt so much hope for the future at any point in my entire life, and it was all thanks to you." He took another step towards her, holding his hand out towards her.

"I grabbed your hand and you pulled me to my feet and said-"

"Let's leave this world better than how we found it."

"Let's leave this world better than how we found it."

The tears in her eyes still remained, but never moved to begin their cascade.

"And that's what we started to do. You began training, every day. I tried to keep up, but I never could." His hand fell back to his side, his eyes still lovingly gazing into hers. "Eventually, you left me behind." The love turned into pain, both hearts breaking in unison.

"And next thing I knew, you became the hero you said you would be. A hero that the people could always turn to. A hero that protected, and would protect until her dying breath." His hands clenched at his sides. "But that's all that they saw. They never saw the woman who loved them. They never saw the woman who would give and give and give and give, but never received anything in return." She took a step back, her arms crossing on her chest.

"All they saw was a hero because that's all that she knew how to be." She took another step back, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked to the ground. "The woman who no matter how much love I gave her, it could never overcome her love for them."

The woman started to move, trying to leave but he caught her by the arm.

"Please, just stay with me." He pleaded, trying to look in her eyes but she never met his gaze. "I don't want to lose you. Please."

"Let go of me, Leo." After he refused to do so, she tore her arm out of his grip and began to walk away.

"Why do you keep fighting for them?"

She paused in step, her hand reaching for the door. She turned over her shoulder to look at his slumped form,

"Because it's like you said. It's all I know how to do."

With that, he was left behind. The warmth he once felt left with her and was replaced with chilling cold, but he was used to it.

"I should've known that I could never keep you, my sun."

A man stood in the rain, staring down at the rock before him. A fresh bouquet of Carnations laid in front of it.

"Isn't it ironic, my sun, how it has only rained ever since you passed?" The melancholic smile on his face faltered. As though in slow motion, the man fell to his knees, his palms being the only thing stopping him from completely collapsing to the ground.

As he stayed there, weeping for the loss of his love, the rain slowly began to let up, the dark clouds that cast a shadow on the world parted slightly. His tears let up as he looked to the sky, his tear-streaked face enveloped in the warmth of the light.

A warm smile adorned his features, "I guess you'll always be watching over me, won't you? Thank you, my sun."


Published: July 14th, 2020, 2:50pm

Songs listened to while writing;

- Sleeping at Last Touch

- Sleeping at Last Saturn

- billie eilish i love you

- Birdy Not About Angels

Have a lovely day~


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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