01. Prologue

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Eleanor sighed and placed her hands on her hips as she surveyed the ongoing preparations. There were people just about everywhere, scurrying to and fro. Her sharp blue eyes travelled from the flowers arranged at the back of the church, where she currently stood, then to the ones hung at the end of each pew, and finally to the impressive -even though she thought so herself- display at the altar.

A small, relieved smile crept across her face. It was all done, all arranged, all perfect for Mats and Cathy's big day. She had to admit, it had been somewhat terrifying to take on a celebrity wedding. As the new owner of Wallflower Floral Services, she wanted to keep its reputation that her grandmother had worked so hard to achieve. Therefore, there was nothing the 21 year-old wanted less than to have a huge failure at such a big event.

Sighing again, she cast her eyes down to her watch and decided that since her work there was done, it was time to go and get changed for the ceremony. Two hours to go.


It was all going fabulously. Mats had turned up and was waiting at the altar with the biggest smile on his face (unlike another wedding she had provided flowers for), the priest had also arrived and was all prepared (and had not forgotten, unlike another time), Eleanor had received multiple compliments regarding the flowers, and even a few about her own appearance. Which made her very happy.

Due to a technicality, also known as a fickle relative deciding they suddenly wanted to come, she was out of a seat. Which made her not so happy.

As a result, she was currently standing pressed against a wall, trying to seem inconspicuous, which was rather difficult considering that among all the other hundred or so guests in the church, she was the only one not sitting down.

Eleanor was not a massively confident person, and the suspicious glances she was getting from many of the guests were starting to make her feel particularly uncomfortable. She looked down and brushed some imaginary dust off the midnight blue dress she wore, and prayed that the service would begin soon. She wasn't sure how many more times she could politely smile at the probing gazes of unfamiliar faces.

At last, the wide double doors were swung open and the melodic chimes of the organ filled the grand, high-ceilinged church. All the guests stood, and Eleanor stood up straighter, as Cathy entered. Eleanor felt her jaw drop. She looked radiant, an expression of pure joy filling her face, and the beautiful white gown that she wore made her look as if she were nothing short of an angel.

As she walked past, another thing caught Eleanor's eye. Something just behind Cathy. Eleanor felt herself leaning forward slightly and peering through the rows of people to see better.

Was that Mario Götze?

Acting as a flower boy?


So... that was the prologue to Wallflower!! what did you think?

I'm pretty excited for this story, I hope that from this prologue you are too, feel free to comment and vote because that would make me very happy

hopefully I'll start writing chapter one asap

many thanks to @mullers-corner for helping me plan this and also encouraging me to get on with it

also thank you so much to @helpbrunettes for the incredible cover she made me! 

anna and ray you two are amazing 

the photo on the side is how I imagine Eleanor to look :) 

also, happy new year! hoping 2015 will be good :D 

see you soon and thanks for reading



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