story one- which has to do with flies and deities

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"You have to go to earth," explained the storyteller, "And to go to earth you have to become human."

"But I don't know anything about humans!" I exclaimed "How can I become a human if I don't know how they act or what they do?! They'll realize that I'm not one of them."

"They won't notice, the humans aren't smart enough for that. And besides," the storyteller let out an exasperated sigh "There's no other way. You have to become human and share the original stories, or else."

I laughed "Or else what?"

The storyteller's face suddenly became extremely serious "or else, I become mortal, and whoever changed the stories before giving them to the humans will have complete control over which stories are told, and which are forgotten."

"And whoever has control of stories has control of society." I recited, this was the first thing that the storyteller taught me before sending me into my first fairytale, the snow queen.

"Yes. Just look at what they did by slightly changing my stories, imagine what would happen if they had complete control."

I thought this over for a moment before I came to a horrible realization.

"The humans would wipe themselves out!" I exclaimed in shock and horror.

You see, I don't particularly like humans, I'm much happier as a fly. However, humans can be occasionally useful, and they do lighten the storyteller's workload by writing their own stories.

"Exactly," Agreed the storyteller, "which would give nature full control over the planet."

The storyteller said the word nature like it was physically painful to say. The storyteller was the only one of the four deities that actually liked the humans, all the other deities controlled aspects of nature, other animals, or things of that nature. Considering how horribly humans treat nature, you can see why there's a rift between him and the other deities. There used to be a fifth deity, who was the bridge between humans and nature, the one who made sure humans gave as much as they took from nature. But, as humans got greedier and greedier, and kept taking more and more from nature, this balance was forgotten, and the deity faded away. Since I'm a fly, you'd think I'd be on the side of the nature deities, but I'm an immortal fly born to assist the storyteller, so I'm more or less a neutral third party, if that's even possible. 

"Would that really be such a bad thing?" I asked meekly

"Of course it would be!" the storyteller exclaimed, incredulous, "without humans, there would be no need for stories, and without a need for stories, I would fade away. Basically, if you don't go, I will die."

oops...I forgot about that tiny detail.

"What would I have to do as a human?" I asked

"All you'd have to do is write what you saw in the fairytales, starting with the snow queen, work part-time at a grocery store, and continue helping me figure out which one of the other deities is behind the horrible recounts of my stories."

"Well... That doesn't sound too bad." I admitted, "but how will I know how to act."

The storyteller handed me a strange rectangular device, which I now know was some form of tablet "just watch the videos that pop up after you hit the Youtube icon and look at the posts that show up when you hit Instagram. Then, act like the people that you see. I'll also give you a human body now so that you can get used to walking and talking."

"What do you mean now?" I asked, suspicious

"I mean now." the storyteller said, and with a flick of his wrist, I felt myself changing.

Within seconds, I found myself in a human body, complete with a black top and leggings. I fell over immediately.

"Why are humans so heavy?" I muttered weakly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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