World of Transcendence Book III ETIO FALL

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Phase Zero: Idea

    Do you ever think about death? I can only imagine and wonder. As a fragment, as a constant, no as a part of the cycle, death is never known. For us in all of these moments I wonder if what truly lies at the end of this boundless tale of flawed nonsense is the finality of death.

    Depression is something akin to insanity. It can hurt you, tear you apart and rip you asunder. My name has always been Gilgamesh Thanatos, in truth I have lived lifetimes, I've almost lost track of how many times I have died and left a piece of myself behind doing something stupid or reckless.

    What do I want? I am myself and I have been cursed to live through the horrors of a world unseen by mankind along with theirs as well, but is it possible that I am not the young boy I remember being? How much have I lost of myself and how much is there even really left to me? What could I want, a wish?

    If I were given one wish it would be simple; I want to know what I is meant to do and stand for. Where his story was destined to go.

    That is all I need. With just that information I could start wiping every trace of it from existence.

    I am me and this is my claim. Deep down, long ago in a place gone from this world I decided.

    This world, I am its king, it belongs to me and no one else. On that same day I murdered my father and destroyed his entire legacy.

    Babylon fell the day I learned what it was to kill gods.

    If I was Gilgamesh Thanatos, I'd call myself a husk of once was after traversing the fragmentary passage that was my life. And so I knew, I was my greatest enemy of all, only I would treat my own soul, my mere existence, as disposable garbage.

– Forty Years Ago

    "That is enough!" A young woman barked from the doorway, shoulder length gray hair wearing what looked to be a uniform. "You can't be doing this!"

    "Just shut the hell up already!" The gold haired man swung his arms across a counter cluttered in glass tubes and papers, the glass shattered on the floor. "You don't have to live with this!" After clearing the space he smashed the counter with his fist before moving on to the next part of the lab. "All of this research, these notes, this whole damn project was my work. This means everything we've been trying to prevent has been my own research!"

    "Gilgamesh you need to calm down, this is Bevelle, you of all people know you can't act this way."

    "How did they even get it?" Gilgamesh had started thinking. "Maybe when I was working on the weapons, yes I think that's right, that me had to be working in Bevelle at the time."

    "Gilgamesh I am pleading with you, we need to get out of here."

    "Be quiet Haleigh." He had started searching one of the walls. "They can't be this far along, there has to be a subject they're working on." Gil punched a hole into the wood before moving onto the the next one. "Nothing's hypothetical with this damn place, they can create all the abominations they want and no one can even attempt to stop them," Finding what felt like a small button hidden within the wooden grooves. "It's all about the result right?" Speaking sarcastically as a section of the wall opened like a door.

    "Oh no." Haleigh's face went pale as Gil proceeded forward mumbling something she didn't make out. "Gil stop, what are you about to do?"

    "What needs to be done."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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World of Transcendence Book III ETIO FALLWhere stories live. Discover now