Always think positive

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Once upon a time there was a girl who want to become an astronaut in the world she is working hard on their studies,, but many challenges are coming in her life not only studies but relationship, etc, etc, etc the girl brain is going to much high, when she is in 7th class she suffered from anxiety and depression and PCOD from four years, what to do, problem is not solved, she gone to meet every doctor in Jodhpur but the doctor can't solve the problem in Jodhpur and then send to visit doctor in Delhi Samir Parikh, he is The best in the world but can't solve her problem he is giving too much medicines but the problem is going down, problem is increasing what to do.,
Four years later the she gone to Ahemdebed then the problem solved solved by confidence and patience, girl can't solve problems by confidence, then she Understand not to think negative always think positive if she wants to become astronaut in the world and become succeed in life why to waste time on thinking negative, -always think about our future, what to become in future she pass all difficulty within four years,, now she is fit and fine , and the girl is very kind
One thought came in my mind why people are believeing in nazar Lagna and Andhwishwas of people ,she want to spread positive thoughts in her neighbors and relationships that not to believe in Andhwishwas

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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