Aegir Saga Part 1

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The king demanded reinforcements of over 10,000 soldiers in the worst possible time of the year, winter was knocking at the door and the king wanted to wage a war with no chance of victory just out of his pride. Due to the king's history, no one wanted to break his command. All over the country, orders were given to gather the remaining army, the age at that moment didn't matter and even if you were a man or a woman, the king wanted 10,000 souls and unfortunately they would give it to him. Rumor were spreading about the lost of more than half of his army and about  his son being killed in the last siege of York that would turn out to be  the worst defeat in our history against the Anglo-Saxons. The army was pushed to the east coast where they were trying to keep the last remaining fortress built by us 100 years ago called the Old Yorkarc.

"The last night we will drink something real for a long time" I was awakened by Magne coming next to me full of snow on him and with a barrel under his arm.

"You know that they have beer too, don't you?"

"Own production please I don't really care about this beer made to be a lot and without any quality."

I motioned for the innkeeper to bring me an empty mug, and to my amazement he moved quite quickly given how full the inn was.

"Are you going to be 18 winters until we leave old friend?"

"Today" I replied, smiling, realizing that someone had even remembered this fact about me.

"Then put that mug here and let's celebrate until dawn!" he spoke so loudly that the whole tavern was looking at us. "

Just as he managed to remove the barrel stopper, the front door was slammed violently and the blizzard went in extinguishing all the candles. A massive man dressed in a bear coat flanked by two other soldiers stood in front of the entrance as if waiting to be invited inside.

"What should this entry mean?" cried the angry bartender already prepared in one hand with a battle ax.

"Sit down old man, we didn't come to ruin your business, we just came to remind the people that tomorrow all the men women who are able to to hold a weapon in this city are called to fight for their country. And those who were not in this room to hear this announcement please for their own good to be notified as soon as possible so they will not know the consequences that come with the violation of an order given by the king. Boarding will be made immediately after sunrise", After the end of the announcement they turned around and started walking outside until the massive one in the middle stop abruptly leaving for a second the other men go ahead. "One last thing I almost forgot, if only for this night me and my personal guard can sleep here because we are very tired after this long journey from the capital and we do not want to seek another place to stay over this freezing night. "

"Of course!" replied the innkeeper, full of fear and with no other choice.

  "We will be back soon and of course thank you for your hospitality."

For a few seconds everyone was quiet and watched the entrance like there were expecting for someone to enter the tavern from the blizzard from outside .

"Get your asses up and put that door in its place as fast as possible it's getting colder and colder as the time passes by." No one was moving from there places. "Free beer for the one who put's that door in it's place" Everyone of them were onto their feet in no time and heading towards the entrance where it used to be a door. In the end they managed to put the door back on and lit the candles again and soon the people returned to their things as if nothing had happened.

"What a grand entrance." said Magne laughing. "Do you think he knows you're here?"

"I don't feel like talking about it now, not today on my birthday."

"Okay as you say, now give that mug!"

"I think I'm going to home. Tomorrow it's going to be a long day."

"Come on, why are you leaving the night just started!"

"See you tomorrow Magne" he tried to grab my arm when I got up from the table but he was already dizzy so it was unsuccessful.

I tossed a gold coin on the table and went outside.

I checked my sword, which was still in its sheath on the right, and of course the axe was also there next to it. Even if the crimes went missing for decades in the country, I still feel better when I have the weapons with me just in case. My hut was right in the middle of the forest near the city and this choice to leave earlier can even save my life in the middle of winter. Fortunately for me the snow wasn't so big so it didn't take me long to get to the edge of the forest from where I didn't have much left but as I was a little paranoid I took out my axe so I could use it against any danger that would approach me until I could get to my hut. I felt watched and watched only that when I looked back there was no one there. I think I heard all the animals in that forest more agitated than ever. I was squeezing the ax harder and harder until I thought that the wood would break. For a second I thought I was lost what was almost impossible because I know the way to it with my eyes closed.In the end I was able to see the light that was radiating from inside my hut. I was finally in the hut, I quickly put some more kindling on the fire and so I took off my wet, cold and snowy clothes. When I turned to put them on the chair I literally froze.

"Condolences Your Majesty, and I'm sorry I scared you like this but I couldn't divulge your identity to those people."

"How did you ... it was locked?"

"Seriously, is that your first question?"

"Have I been tracked down here?"

"Yes, you were by one of my personal guards just for your safety and the other one is right now somewhere outside." he responded very seriously and without showing any emotion whatsoever.

"I would offer you a cup of tea but as you are not invited by me here I would ask you if it could be possible for you to leave me alone in order to have my rest before this war, Ragnarson."

"Of course Your Majesty, and if it is possible tomorrow before we leave, I would like to have a chat about the future of the country."

"Whatever just get out of my hut!"

"Goodnight Your Majesty." I watching the door being close behind him and right after the door was fully shut I said.

"They even found me here, why can't I be left alone ." I told myself right before I layed in the bed. I thought I would have insomnia before my first war campaign, but fell asleep instantly as I closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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