Chapter 1 : Season 2: "Rose"

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The large abandoned house isn't what scared Sapphire Salvatore. It wasn't the two older vampires that kept her there for a week now but it was when Trevor, the Male of the two captures had carried in a human girl.

She herd the two talking about a human doppelgänger for weeks, Sapphire didn't believe it. She knew in that moment, as Trevor carried in the injured girl that it was true, the smell of blood filled the abandoned house causing her throat to close up, she hadn't had blood since they brought her here. She has no way of asking but was surprised to find out that Rose, the women who seems to be in charge of the two, had already known that she doesn't talk.

Sapphire watched Rose stop her friend from biting the human girl who called herself Elena Gilbert and flinched in her spot on the dusty floor, the vervain ropes making her hiss in pain catching Rose's attention
"Here" the women took a bottle from her back pocket, plastic and filled with a thick red substance. She unscrewed the cap and gave it to the girl who's hesitant when she sniffed it. Animal. Sapphire isn't a killer, she could never be.... maybe if she really lost control but never wanted to be but that doesn't mean she has ever, ever been okay with drinking animal blood "drink it" Rose demands "we can't have you killing the girl" casting her dark eyes over Elena Sapphire frowned just at the thought of killing her. Though it was old and laced with vervain Sapphire drank the entire body awkwardly with her wrists tied "don't expect more of this any time soon" the girl simply nods as Rose took the bottle and left.

Sapphire shivered in fear, she knows what this means. The doppelgänger. It's the originals. She left them years ago because of Michael who despite his hatred for all Vampires only threatened to kill her if she didn't leave them. She had herd rumours of a curtain original loosing his temper, an entire village or three had been killed because she left with out a trace.

Her heart clenched just thinking of them. She misses them everyday but fears what they would do to her for leaving. The originals can hold a grudge for as long as they live and being creatures that can't be killed.... that's a long time.


"How's the girl?" Rose's voice echoed through the abandoned building as Sapphire's dark eyes watch Elena slowly wake.

"Still passed out" replied Trevor.

"You didn't touch her, did you?" Rose accuses whilst Elena sits up, Sapphire didn't move. She doesn't know how the girl will react to her and right now, she doesn't want to be afraid of anyone else. Naturally, Sapphire isn't so scared, she can always find a way out of a situation but Rose and Trevor were always a set ahead. The first day they caught her before she could open the door, the third day she had tried again taking a different approach and burnt Trevor with the day light, that's when Rose took her ring and the night of the fourth day she made it out but once again they caught her and since then she had been kept in vervain ropes and starved until today. Still in her ropes but her throat was somewhat soothed and her stomach doesn't feel like it's eating it's self anymore.

Elena is brave, maybe stupid for thinking she could escape, Sapphire listened closely to Rose and Trevor talking about Elijah, she herd Rose threatened Elena and when the doppelgänger asked about the original Rose's words could not have been more true for Sapphire
"He's your worst nightmare" the statement has the silent vampire shifting uncomfortably on the dusty floor, she has seen the originals loose her temper, she knows and fears them.... maybe not all the time. She hates to see them angry but what she hates most.... is them being angry or upset when her.

"Are you okay?" The young vampires head snapped up, her dark eyes meeting Elena's and widened. Elena frowned studying the girl who doesn't know that she had a red mark next to her lips "you're a vampire?" All Sapphire can do is bring her arms up to wipe her mouth and avoid the humans eyes. She jumped when Elena suddenly touched her "I'm not going to hurt you, what's your name?" She watched in silence as Elena carefully undone the ropes, the vampires skin doesn't heal over from the vervain quickly pulling her arms to her chest and her knees are quick to follow.

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