Happy Birthday, Clover

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12:00 PM -- Mali-U Student Lounge

On another weekday at the campus of Malibu University, Sam, Alex, and Mat were sitting on the sofas relaxing from their morning of classes. Currently, Britney and Clover were in classes -- Britney in Paleontology, and Clover in Surfology. Sam was currently scanning through a book while writing an essay for one of her physics classes while Alex was reading a sports magazine. Mat was working on a math assignment and sitting next to her.

Sam wore her bright green blouse and white pants, and had a green clip in her orange-red hair; Alex had on her light green sleeveless tank top and fuschia skirt; Mat wore slacks and a green 2007-throwback motocross shirt that read "Townley 101" on the back, which signified 2007 Supercross Lites East champ, Ben Townley.

"Ah-ha!" Mat exclaimed when he remembered the FOIL method.

"Found the right answer?" Sam asked.

"Uh-huh," Mat replied. "How about you, babe? How're you coming?"

"I think I'm getting somewhere with my essay, hon," Sam answered.

"That's good," Mat quipped. He then leaned forward and gave Sam a kiss right on her lips. "That's for good luck, Sammy-honey."

Sam chuckled at Mat's actions. "Why, thank you." She then looped an arm around his shoulders.

Alex got a front-row seat and chuckled herself. "Any idea on Clover's birthday, guys?"

Sam and Mat were caught by surprise.

"Oh yeah, I saw that on the fridge today myself," Mat remarked. "I'm not sure what she wants to do."

"Something tells me it is involving Blaine," Sam deduced.

Minutes later, Mat finished his math assignment. Sam heard a chime on her phone go off.

"Is that from Clover, Sammy?" Alex wondered.

"Yeah," Sam answered. "She's done with Surfology and she's sticking with the Mali-U beach. She's even asked if we're coming."

"Well, I guess that's where we're going then," Alex replied.

Mat got on his phone and let Britney know where they were when she was done with Paleontology. Britney replied back with a simple "OK."

"Mat?" Sam stated and held out a hand to her boyfriend.

Mat obliged and took Sam's hand while they followed Alex to the Mali-U beach.

12:38 PM -- Mali-U Beach

"So, Mat," Alex stated. "Is Britney on her way?" she asked as she and Sam got out their X-Powders.

"Apparently she's getting lunch beforehand, Alex," Mat answered when he checked his phone.

"Ooh, tell Brit I could go for a lemon smoothie," Alex requested.

"And I could use a chocolate ice cream," Sam added.

"I can treat you to one later," Mat offered.

"No, it's fine," Sam insisted. "You've more than exceeded pleasing me, hon."

Mat got to texting Britney back about Sam and Alex's food requests, and put in his own of a burger and soda.

"Well, let's get to it," Alex quipped when Mat got out his DS.

The three spies used their devices to swap outfits. After that, Mat was in his usual swimshorts, Sam sported her pink one-piece swimsuit that was similar to her green one, and Alex had on her old yellow two-piece swimsuit. The three put their devices away, and Mat took Sam by the hand. Upon that, she and Mat exchanged a kiss.

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