Chapter 1

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TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Suicide, murder, and abuse

"Dad! No! Stop!" I yell running to my parents room. But I was too late. The worst had already happened.

Hi. I'm Jax. You don't know me but you probably know my cousin, Peeta Mellark. That's right, I'm Jax Mellark. Not many people know me by that name though. Ya see, I'm trans. Most people know me by my dead name and I don't try to correct them. Last time I came out, to say it didn't go well would be the understatement of the century.
"Mom?" I say, tears filling my eyes. "I hope you know how much I love you and I'm not doing this to hurt you it's just who I am and I-"
"You're gay?" She interrupts. "Honey, I've known that since you were a little girl. I'm proud of you for being your authentic self and I'd never love you any less for being you." I smile.
"I appreciate it mom but I'm not gay. Well, not completely. But I'm trans. I'm a man and I hope you and dad can accept that." She pulls me into a tight hug and starts to tear up.
"I love you no matter what. I've always wanted a son. Do you have a name picked out? Does anyone else know yet? Let's go shopping you need a whole new wardrobe. Oh! And a haircut!" I look up at her and chuckle.
" I do, it's Jax. Only Peeta, and I'd love to."
"Well Jax, lets get started." Mom and I spend the whole day together, she cuts my hair and borrows some sewing supplies from my aunt to alter all my clothes to be more masculine.
"I'm scared to tell dad," I say on the way home. "What if he doesn't accept me as his son? What if he hurts me?"
"Oh baby," she says stopping to hug me. You're his child. If he can't accept you for who you are the. He doesn't deserve the 'dad' title." I smile. She's right. I thought. If he can't accept me that's his problem. We arrive home at the same time dad does. He looks me up and down.
"Emma, what the fuck did you do to your hair? Makes you look like a boy."
"That's the whole point," I mumble.
"What was that?" He says, opening the door.
"Nothing! I have something to tell you though. Can we go inside?" I quickly reply.
" okayy? What's up buttercup?" He sits on the couch. I start tearing up again. I feel my moms hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay sweety, you can tell him." She says comfortingly.
"Tell me what?"
"Dad," I start. "I love you, I promise I do. I'm not doing this to hurt you. I just don't want to hide it anymore."
"What? You gay? I knew that. It's pretty obvious, especially now with your hair."
"No, I'm not gay. Not completely at least. I.. I'm trans." He's silent for a little bit.
"Haha good one kiddo. You almost had me there for a second."
"Dad, I'm not kidding. I'm not your daughter and my name isn't Emma. I'm your son and my name is Jax." I'm completely crying at this point.
"Like hell you are, and Embry, you knew about this and you're okay with it? She's delusional and you're supporting it?"
"HE isn't delusional. Jax is our SON. And if you don't like it you can-" she stops and smells his shirt. "Oh my god. You're drinking again." She says running to their room.
"So what if I am?" He yells. "With a crazy fucking daughter like ours I need it." Mom comes back out with two suitcases.
"Jax, honey, pack your things. We're going to go stay with your cousins okay?" I take a suitcase from my mom and throw what little I have inside.
"Would you stop calling her that? Her name isn't jack or Jaxson or whatever the fuck you keep calling her. Her name is EMMA. E-M-M-A. And Where the hell do you think you're going? To MY brother's?"
"He stopped being your brother when you slept with his wife!"
"Oh you fucking bitch." He says, slapping her hard across the face. "Come here." He drags her into their room. I hear them arguing but can't quite make out what they're saying. Finally I hear dad yell.
"You're not making it out of this room alive, bitch" I hear him cock his gun that he keeps in his bedside table. I make a full sprint to their bedroom door, suitcase still in hand.
"Dad! No! Stop!"
"Run Jax! Get away!" I hear my mom yell through the door but I keep running to her. She's always been there for me now I have to be there for her. But I'm too late. He pulls the trigger, hitting right above her heart.
"MOM," I scream, grabbing my mother and putting pressure on the wound. "DAD WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" He looks down at mom and drops to his knees.
"Oh god, Em, Embry sweetheart I'm so sorry."
"Jax, my sweet baby boy," she struggles. "I love you so much and I'm so proud of the man you are and are going to become. I'm sorry I won't get to meet the amazing person you get to marry."
"Mom, don't say that," I say, tears steaming down my face. "You'll get to meet them. Just stay with me okay?"
"I'm so sorry baby. I love much.." then she takes her last breath and goes limp in my arms.
"What have I done?" He says with his head in his hands. He looks over at me. "Emma I-"
"THATS NOT MY FUCKING NAME!" I say bawling. "YOU JUST KILLED MY MOTHER AND YOU STILL REFUSE TO USE MY NAME?!" He looks down at the gun still in his hand.
"Jax," he says. "I was so lucky to have a son like you."
"Was?" I say confused. "What do you mean was I'm still-" before I can finish the sentence he points the gun at himself and pulls the trigger.
"DAD!" I yell, still holding my lifeless mother. Before I know it Peeta and my Uncle come running in. I finally let go of my mother and run to them.
"Emma what happened?!" My uncle says holding me.
"I- I told dad that I'm trans and he flipped. He slapped mom after she defended me and then she found out he's been drinking again and we were gonna leave and come to you guys and- and..." I can't get the words out. I'd gone completely numb to my surroundings. Peeta grabs my suitcase and my uncle carries me back to their house before calling the peace keepers. I explained what had happened in full detail and the take my parents' bodies away. As they leave, I hear them talking.
"No wonder her dad snapped, fuckin freak."
"Hey, don't listen to them," Peeta says, petting my hair. "You're not what they say you are."

~ woooooah something other than smosh?! Crazy I know. I've had this OC for a while and I've even cosplayed him. He's my precious baby boy and it really hurt me to write this part for him. He's gonna go through so much in this story and he doesn't deserve any of it 😭. Anyway, hi. Welcome to my hunger games story for my sweet boy, Jax Mellark.~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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