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big old warning for a slur and panic attacks O_O be safe everyone

     "Are you sure that this is ok?" Oliver asked as he trailed behind Mackenzie and grabbed his sleeve. Mackenzie turned and offered a soft smile to the shorter boy. He raised a hand and set it in his curls, shaking his fingers through them. "Relax," he said, grinning when Oliver's face scrunched up at the slightly rough action. "It's just a bar. Been to plenty of those myself."

    Oliver turned his face down. "I know that but..." he rested his face on Mackenzie's arm, sighing. "I mean is it ok that i'm there?" His hand gripped the leather that he was leaning on, sniffing nervously. "I know that some people-um-they don't like..." he trailed off again, burying his face further into the jacket. Mackenzie turned around and held the boy in his chest, sighing. He ran a pale hand along the back of his neck and spun a finger in his curls.

    "Hey, it's ok. If you get uncomfortable then we can leave. We don't even have to go to one of these things if you don't want to." Mackenzie sniffed and tilted his head. "We can go home if you'd like." Oliver remained silent but slowly raised his head to look up at the vampire who was holding him. Oliver sighed. "No, that's not fair to you." He turned his head to look at the nearby building that was dimly lit by orange lighting. He turned to Mackenzie and smiled, eyes soft. "One drink won't hurt, right?"

    it hurt.

    The moment the two stepped inside, Oliver wanted to turn and run. There were various people there who were dressed darkly and were much bigger than him. Well, everyone was bigger than him. They had markings on their skin and mean faces. The air smelled like smoke and something sharp. Oliver didn't like it at all. He turned his head up to Mackenzie who had put on his red tinted sunglasses, despite it being dark out, to hide his eyes from the rest of the world. Mackenzie was already looking ahead at a few empty red barstools along the high counter. He tugged on Oliver's sleeve as he began to walk, urging him forward. Oliver followed like a puppy.

    The two sat down (after a quick struggle to get up on such a high stool) and Mackenzie ordered a drink for each of them. He got Oliver a Shirley Temple, knowing of the boy's disdain to the bitter taste of alcohol. The bartender, an average height man with tired eyes stared at the pair before turning and starting on their drinks. Oliver sat forward with his hands between his thighs and stared down nervously at the polished countertop. The voices around him became slightly hushed and he heard sheltered laughs. Oliver wanted to run even more now. He could do it. He could turn on the stool and make a run for the door and run back to the car and wait for Mackenzie to finish his drink or two alone.  He could just run and escape the familiar glares and hushed voices that reminded him so much of his home planet. He could at least find a silent corner to hide and cry in. His mind kept screaming to run! Run before they get you! Run before they punish you! Get out of here now! RUN!

    Then Mackenzie's hand wrapped around his shaking one, hiding the action under the table. Oliver jumped. How odd of him. Mackenzie hated being affectionate around other people, especially scary strangers. Scary strangers who whispered. Oliver turned his face down but looked up at Mackenzie who acted like nothing happened, tapping his free hand on the counter as he read the labels of the bottles in front of him. Oliver breathed. He's trying to comfort me without risking anyone seeing it. A silent sigh. Better than nothing. Although Oliver much rather preferred for Mackenzie to lean over him and wrap his arms around him from behind, kissing the spot under his ear as their hands intertwined. They just couldn't do that here.

    A small jar filled with two large ice cubes and a brown liquid was set in front of Mackenzie while a tall red glass with a cherry was set in front of Oliver. Mackenzie released Oliver's hand to pick up his drink and sip at it, throat bobbing. Oliver turned and moved his straw, noticing the tiny red plastic sword that pierced his cherry. Oliver smiled and pulled it out, glancing around him. He raised his hand and poked Mackenzie in the face with the little sword. Mackenzie's eye opened and his brow narrowed. He spit a bit of his drink back into the glass and turned to Oliver, who was biting his lip to not laugh. Mackenzie side eyed the bar and looked forward at Oliver, smirking. He leaned forward and plucked the sword from his fingertips. He got closer until his face was close to Oliver's, who was staring at him with a red face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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