Chapter 1

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Yelena's PoV
I woke up, got dressed, eat breakfast, and walk out the front door. I sighed at the sight of the busy city. I remember those days before I was put through a century long cryo sleep, the days of unrest, aggression, war. You know what I mean? It's been years since me, my brothers, and my sister have seen each other. The last we saw each other was waking up from the ice and breaking free.

As far as I know, nobody knows we're from another year. I walk through the crowds of people slowly to the coffee shop. It was nearby Stark Tower and its where I work at so I'll be fine. I got in right as I witnessed Tony Stark falling from his tower his suit of armour quickly wrapped around him and he flew back up. "それわすごかった! (That was incredible!)" I shouted then someone said, "you're in America, speak English." I flipped the person the bird.

I walked over to the other side of the counter and began to help give people coffee. After awhile people began looking outside so curious as I am I look out and see a portal in the sky. Aliens then come out and everybody begins to panic I begin to lead them towards the closest I left and transformed into my normal form. My brown hair is a white, my steel blue eyes are now a glowing ocean blue, my dark brown skin now has black marks forming all eight main elements of nature, my shirt became a black dress with only one sleeve, my red shoes became black thigh high boots, my sleeveless arm had a black glove on, and my black wings appeared on my back

 My brown hair is a white, my steel blue eyes are now a glowing ocean blue, my dark brown skin now has black marks forming all eight main elements of nature, my shirt became a black dress with only one sleeve, my red shoes became black thigh high ...

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I walk through the battlefield shooting my power of cryokinesis at them causing them to be frozen then I used pryokinesis to burn them alive. "Вы, инопланетные ублюдки, покиньте мою планету! (You, alien bastards, get off my planet!)" I shouted as I kicked some of them. Did I forget to mention I have assassins training? Yea I do anyways I twisted their necks, stabbed them anywheres I could get to, or sliced off their heads either way I was still doing something good.

Then I saw Captain America fighting against these aliens. Huh looks like me and my siblings weren't the only ones trapped in ice for a century. I continued fighting off these aliens then I hear Captain America say, "close the portal." I look up and spotted the portal closing. I noticed that Tony Stark was falling and wasn't stopping. In a quick reaction I flew up there and saved him taking the hit to the ground that was meant for Tony.

I got up and left into one of the buildings, quickly transforming back into my human form. I walked back out watching those people help Tony. I walked away without a word then I was grabbed from behind and pulled away. I tried to struggle out of their hands but they were too powerful. I was dragged into a building that's when they set me down. I look at one it's a male with ocean blue hair, and a black outfit.

The other had royal purple hair and a black dress similar to mine. "We've finally found the missing target, it's time to take back with us." The man said with a thick German accent the woman with a Japanese accent said, "wouldn't it be wise if we called her by her real name? She'll think we're the ones who stuck her in that ice cube." "Who-who the hell are you?!?!" I shouted the woman looked at me then back at the man finally she said, "I am Hime this is Lukas we are working to find everyone who was forced into being an ice cube for a century before actually awakening to a new world."

"So you were just like me and my three siblings?" "Wait I thought there was only one of you but there was three others? We need to find them as well. Do you know where they are?" I shook my head. She looked visibly irritated then she sighed, "we need to discover them before Hydra does and turns them against us." "Wait Hydra? Weren't they destroyed?" "No they weren't destroyed merely been hiding in secret, we have one of us keeping an eye on them since he got into Hydra. It's only a matter of time before Hydra tries to take over the world again."

Lukas helped me up since I had fell to the ground without realising it. They quickly disguised themselves to look more human. Hime changed  her hair to a black, her outfit changed into a red and black dress, her heels became small black heels, her glowing red eyes became an emerald green, and her hair went from really long to a small black bun. Lukas' ocean blue hair became a blonde, his outfit changed into a black NATO shirt with black jeans, his fancy black shoes became normal blue converses, and his glowing green eyes became a chocolate brown.

They pulled me out and they began to take some weapons from the aliens. "Why do we need these weapons?" "Research on alien species and their weapons, Ming and Bian are working on getting the information on the alien species while we're getting you and the aliens weapons." I helped pick up the weapons then we began running off deeper into the city. By the time we were at the heart of the city they stopped and shouted, "we are here!" As if on cue an invisible jet appeared and two people came out.

I was pulled into it and my god it was bigger than expected but it also looked like it was being used as a bedroom. I sat down on a blanket and they began flying which was quite smooth. "So she's the new recruit? She seems quite normal to me." "She actually isn't we witnessed her deal with those aliens on her own." "Really? I want to see her transform."

|time skip brought to you by an angry Ming because someone lost her ring|

I watched everything fall into place. We were all kidnapped by a man with a black mask on, on the day September 2nd, 1945 though at different times. "We need all the information we could get on this mystery man." Ming said while messing with her ring a bit it was fancy like she came from a rich family. "It's rude to stare ya know." "Oh sorry! It's just...where did you get that ring from? it seems like you would find it with a royal family." "Oh this ring? It's an item that has been passed down my family for centuries, we were the richest family in the city."

She pointed out the many capital cities of various nations then she said, "look at this we were all captured in a capital city and all of them were closer so we can assume that he most likely started in Moscow and began travelling to all the other nearby capital cities." Silence continued throughout the entire room filled with thirteen people I don't know any of their names only Ming, Lukas, Bian, and Hime that's it.

They all get up and start leaving so I followed in suit until Ming grabbed my hand and said, "you're staying with me until you are fully prepped to become one of us." "And who are you people exactly?" "We call our group The Light which we are rogue heroes, we don't live in one nation, we live in all nations." "To be honest that sounds a lot like communism." "I know, I was actually born under communism and what I mean by I was the richest I mean I was a level higher than most people in China, it was unfortunate of the collapse of motherland but hey at least I'm a lone survivor of communism."

I sighed and muttered, "we were both born under communism, you know that? I was from the motherland." "Oh yea....I forgot about that." She began explaining to me everything they know about aliens, hydra, the masked man, and our abilities which are actually intertwined with each other as we are destined to protect the world, possibly the universe.

After awhile she took me to this room which looked like a training room. Oh boy I'm in for a lot aren't I?

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