Journey Through Sorrow

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Agony and grieve


Nothing left to give

No tunes left to sing


That age, thou had given in to alcohol

Only best friends were nicotine

And the bruises that let him feel

Drink and chug

Huff and puff

He let loose

No longer the boy he was

Family blamed him for the abandonment of his father

Partners gone as they chanted, "He was too imperfect."

Could he ever stray from life any farther?

Pain, grief and bitterness

That was all he felt

Now torn away from happiness

Commit suicide, he shalt

But in the choking darkness

There came a light

The lightest incandesce

The trigger that said, "fight"

Friends came

They've helped

A teacher did the same

All was keeping him sane

Hope was in sight

Glowing brighter, the rosy light

All gave him a reason to fight

A reason to stay

A reason to not be led astray

A reason to not sift through decay

He tries and tries

Finally, success arrives

He was happier than he ever could be

The meaning of life, shalt he see

Now, in his hand he held

A promise, a vow

To help others as much as could

Before he takes his last bow

A symbol of appreciation here

A thanks there

Never could he express his gratitude

To the fullest extent, despite his best effort

He lives

He helps

Living his best life, he shalt try

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