First Life

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These streets here are filled with kids who "don't have anything to lose". Sometimes it can get hard staying here cause I was always told my head was too big for where it sat at. Each neighborhood was overcrowded. We lived in small apartments, townhouses, and homes that were made for people like us. Low income...because we can't afford to stay in nicer places. But we're happy here. So what if you hear gun shots every weekend. So what if you aren't allowed to stare too long at some people. Just kind your business stay in your lane and you'll make it off the streets. Just not out of the city.

My name is Ava. Yes I know you weren't expecting a name like that. Neither did the kids on my block or school did either. I'm black but my name says otherwise. I despise that part about me. I already don't like myself that much and can barely fit in anyway, so that only makes it so much more worse. But at least today is Saturday. Therefore, no school just home with my siblings. People say you can never with bored with a bunch of siblings, but you can never be at peace because these 3 make me want to lock myself in my room. My mama works a lot. She works at an urgent care on the west side of town. It may not seem like much, but her shift is suppose to be from 8 to 5:30 and I see her at 9 or later everyday. It's kind of difficult watching these kids by myself, but at least they are old enough to do some things for themselves. As much as I say they get on my nerves, but they are all I have. My mom is there and all trust me, but she was never the first person I would turn to for help. She barely raised me because she had to work all the time. My great grandma did. I praise my mom for that though. Still trying to go to school and work, while she had a child. Even if we stayed with my great grandma, aunt, and her son, while she made $2.10 an hour as a waitress. My dad he was there for part of my life until he went to prison. He sold drugs and had people selling for him. He was feuding with my cousin. They were basically in charge of the city. Until they weren't. I like hiding from people cause that's usually the first thing they think of when they see me. But sometimes I wish- *keys jangling from outside of the door*. "Oh, hey ma, I say quietly. She looked exhausted and frustrated. I knew to leave her alone because one wrong word can cause us to bump heads. "Hey Av', they sleep yet?", she asks. "Yes ma'am. I already took my shower so I'm about to go to bed. Goodnight love you." "Love you too.", she barely answers back. I turned back before going towards my room I could see a small glint of pain in her eyes, but I couldn't tell if it was from our short conversation or from her aching back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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