The Meeting

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My name is J. I don't know where to start so I'll start with how I met Wolf.

In the spring of 2016 I was going to high school in Denton Texas. The school year so far had been pretty boring for me personally and I was wanting nothing more than for summer to come. Sitting in the back of the bus on my way to the hellhole I called school I watched the scenery roll by. Everything was surprisingly beautiful this time of year. The normally sun scorched fields were a beautiful, vibrant green. Pink and white blossoms hung off trees here and there that dotted the landscape as the bus drove by. It would've been perfect, if it weren't for me being stuck in a yellow tin can on wheels, that smells of vomit, feet and armpits. I sighed in annoyance at being stuck in the useless contraption, and laid my head against the window. Being that I lived pretty far away from the school in comparison to other kids I had to get up earlier and had longer to wait until I arrived. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, being awoken here and there by the bus stopping and picking up kids at random. Some were rowdy and seemed to think themselves cavemen, hooping and hollering in the small enclosed space and thus earning the repetitive griping of the poor bus driver who's futile pleas fell upon deaf ears, and were never heard anyway. I bitched at myself for not bringing ear plugs and fell back to sleep. The next time I awoke was by the bus grinding to a stop. A dark figure got on. The person that entered the bus looked to be almost 6 foot, was dressed in all black and moved quickly to the back of the bus. My curiosity peeked and I looked over the seats to get a better look at this person that I'd never seen before. He sat low so only his head showed over the seats. His hood was up and his hair covered much of his face. I stared for a few more seconds and he turned his head and locked eyes with me. The way in which his head shot over startled me and his aggressive gaze made me look away. I sat back down in my seat, embarrassed to have been caught staring at someone. I kicked myself for yet another social fuck up that I could add to my extensive list. The bus began to roll again and the noise of kids grew louder and louder as the tin can on wheels progressed down the road. Five minutes in and I heard a commotion coming from the back of the bus. I turned around to see Bryce, the school bully, with a journal in his hands. The guy that had just gotten on the bus was standing nose to nose with him.
"I said. Give it back." he spat in a quiet voice with a sharp tone.
"What the fuck you really think I'm going to listen to you you emo fag-" Bryce balked before being cut off by a hit to his kidney and his head colliding with the side of the seats behind him. The guy in black then jumped over his body, delivered another sharp hit to his stomach, and snatched up the journal. He turned back towards the blonde who sat on the ground groaning in pain.
He squatted down to eye level with him, leaned in towards his face and whispered something before standing up and jumping back over to sit down in his seat. After a moment the jock slowly stood back up and glared at him. The teen in black smirked and stared back, lurching towards Bryce in a threatening manner. The big oaf then decided that it was probably not in his best interest to go for round 2. He grimaced in pain as he sat down in his own seat. The gothic victor laughed triumphantly. The spectacle was cut short however by a loud, sudden yell.

"HEY! You two! Here! NOW!!"

It was the bus driver. The boys stood up and slowly walked over.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The bus driver interrogated.

The boy in black spoke up first.
"He tried to steal my journal!"

"Bullshit! He punched me for no reason!" Bryce spat.

"Liar! You-" the boy spat back before being cut off by the bus driver.

"Stop! Bryce! Wolf! You know what?? You BOTH are getting your parents called for this! I'm SO tired of dealing with this disrespect! Maybe now you'll think about your actions!"

Bryce mocked the driver and rolled his eyes before walking away, sitting back down and ignoring the driver telling him to come back.

Wolf froze and his skin went pale. Paler than it already was. His eyes widened and he stammered over his words.
"P-please don't! I won't do it again. Please don't!" He begged.

"No, I'm tired of your behavior too Wolf! You get involved in stuff way too often. Your mother will be notified of this!" The bus driver said, walking away.

Wolf grabbed her by the shoulder to spin her back around.

"Please! I'm so sorry! Please don't!"

"What do you think you're doing?! Don't touch me! Your mother will DEFINITELY be notified of this behavior!!" The driver spat.

Wolf stumbled back to his seat and sat down. He stared out the window, eyes wide and body rigid. I was confused as to why he had such an intense reaction. I would be afraid of my parents getting called too, but not enough to ruin the small amount of pride I had left through begging. My curiosity got the better of me, and after a minute of watching him I made a decision that would change my life forever. I moved seats and sat down next to him.

"Um...Hello!" I said

With intense and defensive eyes, he turned and looked at me. His head seemed to lower as he looked me over.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is J. You're Wolf, right?"

Wolf nodded.

"So, pardon my intrusion, but why don't you want her calling your parents? I mean I get it I'd be afraid too. But you seem a little-" I was cut off by Wolf.

"Enough! It's none of your business. Leave me alone. Now!" Wolf snapped as he leaned towards me in an aggressive manner.

Just as I was about to say something back, the bus stopped. We had arrived. I turned to Wolf, who was staring out the window again with the same fearful expression.

"Um... Talk to you later, okay?" I said trying my best to still be friendly.

Wolf looked at me with hate and stared me dead in the eyes until I walked away. I got off the bus confused. His behavior confused me. First he seemed quiet and non-troubling, then he got so aggressive he actually managed to beat up Bryce, the school bully. Now he seemed afraid but then got aggressive once again. His looks alone were something that couldn't be ignored. He was dressed in total black, leather and skin tight clothing. He had a skull hoodie and the side of his head was shaved and piercings ran up his ears, which were slightly pointed. What got me the most were his eyes. They had looked golden at first. But- they changed color?? Yes, I remember for certain he had golden eyes! Almost too bright. Then while talking to him they had turned gray...
My curiosity was peeked and there was no going back now. I wish I had learned to mind my own business. Then maybe none of this would've ever happened. If only I could go back in time and change what I did. If only I had saved myself and spared everyone all this pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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