Deidara x Hidan

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Deidara x Hidan

Stole you away

Some days were better than others.

Some days they were fine and everything was perfect.

Other days everything was thrown off by the mutual short tempers, and they didn't speak for hours, at the most days.

They dealt with it in different ways.

Deidara would go to his special place in the woods and blow shit up. He'd make beautiful pottery and destroy it.
Although every time he did he noted that it was never as beautiful as the pottery he had make Hidan for his 22nd birthday. A beautiful clay bird with amazing detail.
He always tried to make something that beautiful, but through trial and error and many explosions he'd ways realize that nothing was as beautiful as the love he had for Hidan.

Hidan would turn to a bottle. After shouting and a final yell of "fuck you" and the slam of the front door he would go to the fridge and pull out a bottle of his best friend vodka.
He would sit and drink and stay angry for so long.
Sip after sip of liquid fire he would try and forget everything he said and every look of hurt that registered in his lover's eyes even though he spewed words of anger.

And sometimes when he's so far over the edge and into the dark abyss of self hatred he always wonders; how did Deidara love him? How does he put up with his shit.

For the past two years Deidara has stayed through every drunken rage and every time he was high and every time he told him he didn't love him even though he did with every inch of his being. Hidan thought of himself as foul.

Deidara was just good. He was sarcastic and impatient but he was good. If he didn't love Hidan he wouldn't have stayed.

So many times they considered getting married, and so many times they argued about it.

"We've been together for so long"

"A stupid ring won't make it special"

"Right, you're so right. If we aren't special why should it matter?"

"Dei, come on I didn't mean it like that-"

And the door would slam.

And a drunk Hidan would collapse on the couch.

This time though, things didn't go as per usual.

After a night dedicated to each other an argument had arose. Hidan wanted to drink, Deidara thought he needed a break. Yet Hidan formed a wall

"I don't need a break! You don't know shit!"

"Hidan please-"

"No you please, please fuck off. Ya know sometimes I wonder why you even stay"

"Hidan, I love you and you know I wouldn't leave you. You're being a jackass"

"I love you too, but I would leave me. You're so dumb. Staying with a drunken fool like me"

"If I'm so stupid why don't I just leave?!"

He stomped downstairs, put on his shoes, and Deidara was gone. Leaving Hidan stunned in the kitchen.

Deidara had never said that before. Deidara had said that he needs to get air, he's said that he can't deal with this. But he has never said he would leave.

Deidara was almost furious. Hidan has said that he was dumb for staying, but after spending the night making love it stung.

When Deidara reached the blast zone he worked hard. He created explosion after explosion. But he now wanted something extravagant; he was pissed off. He was hurt, he was so in love he doesn't know what to think sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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