tell me what you think?!

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so this is a new story idea....if you could just read my short synopsis and tell me if I should put it into action I would really appreciate it!..

Catherine was twenty-two and shy. She had never been the adventurous type and when it came to love she was at a dead end. She remembered watching the movie the princess bride as a child and had always wanted to have her own Westly. She wanted to be someone's buttercup. Deciding to be brave she tore the cover page out of her favorite book 'Wuthering Heights' and wrote a short not.

Dear Heathcliff,

I am here I am waiting. yours forever.

Your Dear Lady Catherine.

She knew it was a long shot but she could not help the romantic in her that filled with hope. Will Catherine find her Heathcliff? read and find out as she battles life to find her fairytale.

Your Dear Lady CatherineWhere stories live. Discover now