And A Happy New Year

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And A Happy New Year 

by eloweasle.

Dedicated to the real Samantha and Luke, a hopeful future couple. (Sorry, I had to. AHAHAHAHA!)

This story is probably corniner than a piece of corn, but I hope you all like it!

Read, review, enjoy! xx


The sea breeze ran through her hair, and Samantha put one arm up to push her brown and shiny locks out of her face. Her hair was still slightly damp from her swim earlier, and each ringlet knotted and bounced as she pushed it behind her ears. The Sun, which was sitting on the horizon like a floating boat, was no longer bright enough to dry her. Its absence left her dripping a little, but she didn't mind because she felt refreshed. Samantha lay on the sand, admiring her surroundings with her eyes wide and curious. The sky was an assortment of pinks and yellows, varied with a faint patch of lingering blue. She marvelled at its beauty.

It was New Year's Eve and Samantha and all of her friends had decided to head on down to the beach for the weekend to celebrate. An entire weekend by themselves too, with no parents. This excited her, she felt grown up being able to go on holiday all by herself.

"Sammie, are you coming?" A voice called from the other side of the beach. It seemed that she had blanked out and forgotten that she was meant to be partying with her friends.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his all too familiar voice however. She snapped back to consciousness and wandered back to reality from her musings. It wasn't a secret that she'd liked him for a very long time. He was the only one she didn't mind being called 'Sammie' by.

"Oh, yeah," she said dazedly. "Help me up, will you?"

The boy ran over immediately, half hopping and slipping in the sand. He slipped over and landed face first onto the ground on his way. Samantha stifled a giggle.

"Only you would be capable of doing something that dumb." She jeered.

His face and blonde hair were bursting with sand now. The shirtless boy burst into laughter and began turning pink at his own clumsiness.  

"But I did it with style. Look at me, Sam, I'm fabulous. Even the sand loves me." He sat up and brushed the sand from his skin, all whilst twinkling his fingers in an over the top manner and winking right at Samantha. Even he knew of her crush on him.

She had to cover her face from the tremendous smile which took over.

Why did he make her stomach turn over so much like that? Why did she set her hopes so high? Why couldn't she just have him already?! He was perfect to her in every way possible. He made her feel so special with every sentence he spoke.

"Luke..." she began, still hiding her face. Even just rolling that name off of her tongue sent tingles through every inch of her body. He was special to her.

She'd liked him for years, truth be told; ever since her first year of high school. Now in a few weeks she was about to begin her last and still nothing had happened between them just because of how shy she was about her feelings. Not that there was any reason to be shy - he'd known about it for a long, long time.

"Yes?" he questioned in response. She felt an inviting hand touch her leg, and she moved her hands away from her face just to catch a glimpse. Luke was now sitting next to her, his hand on her leg moving gently back and forth. She turned her head to look at him, and he caught her eye, with an immaculate smile. She quickly looked the other direction.

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