UPCAT Math Practice Test

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Directions: The Mathematics subtest will test your ability to solve quantitative problems quickly and accurately. Analyze each problem and select the best answer from the multiple choices.

The practice tests are organized around five fundamental math concepts that will be included in the actual UPCAT: arithmetic and number sense, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics.

To mimic the actual test conditions, you’re not allowed to use calculators. Because UPCAT is a time-pressured exam, we also recommend using a timer when taking the practice test.


1. The average of 7 numbers is 24. The smallest of the numbers is 2 and the largest of the numbers is 31. What is the average of the middle 5 numbers?

A. 25

B. 26

C. 27

D. 28


2. Two side lengths of a triangle are 5 and 6, which of the following CANNOT be the length of the third side?

A. 3

B. 6

C. 9

D. 12


3. Eric wishes to shift the graph of the function ƒ(x) = x² four places to the right and six places down from the origin (0,0). Which equation represents this translation?

A. ƒ(x) = x – 42 + 6

B. ƒ(x) = (x − 4)2 − 6

C. ƒ(x) = (x2 − 4)2 − 6

D. ƒ(x) = x + 42 – 6


4. What is the slope intercept form of (13x − 5x) + 12 − 2y = 6?

A. y = 3x – 9

B. y = 4x + 3

C. y = 6x + 2

D. y = -2x + 5


5. The coordinates (−3, 5) and (3, 5) designate the diameter of a circle, what is its circumference?

A. 2π

B. 4π

C. 6π

D. 8π


6. What is the solution set of  | 2(x – 1) – 15 | = 7?

A. { 5 }

B. { 12 }

C. { 5,12 }

D. { -5,12 }


7. A and B are reciprocals (when multiplied together their product is 1). If A < −1, then B must be which of the following?

A. 0 < B < 1

B. -1 < B < 0

C. B < -1

D. B < 0


8. Which of these is true for all real numbers x and y such that x > 0 and y < 0?

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