Chapter 1

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Why me? Harry Styles whispers this to himself daily. Why did he have to be born into a rich, stuck up family? Everyone in his family is like a robot. They have no emotion. They're all the same.

Every single day is the same, too. He goes through the same routine every single God damn day. First, he is awaken and gets ready for a boring day. Next, he eats the same old breakfast, tea and French toast. Then, he has to sit through three or four meetings between the men in his family. It's always either about money, work, or family matters. Nothing ever new and exciting to talk about. Afterwards, he eats the same dinner, pot roast and mashed potatoes. Finally, after a fun-filled day, he goes to bed. It's the same old thing, everyday.

Harry is sick and tired of it. Why couldn't he have been born into another family? A family that goes on fun annual vacations to Disney World, or a family that has inside jokes. It's not fair.

Harry had a meeting today, though. It wasn't like the other ones. He didn't have to listen to talks about money or work. No, today he was actually interested. They were going on a vacation. A vacation to New York. Harry's family was boarding a newly built ship. This ship would take them from Doncaster all the way to New York. The ship was named the Titanic.

They were leaving tomorrow. Harry was ecstatic. He could finally leave this boring old mansion for a while. Once the meeting was over, Harry practically sprinted to his room to pack. He didn't even bother going to the next two meetings. Harry had to find things to pack. What would someone pack for a two week trip on a ship? How many suits should he pack? How many pairs of shoes? Harry finally decides on bringing 28 suits, 28 pairs of shoes and 14 pairs of pajamas. Two suits and two pairs of shoes for every single day. One for the day and one for dinner.

Harry was finally done packing three hours later. He decided to skip dinner and go right to bed. Harry was way too excited for tomorrow and he couldn't wait for it to come. He dreamed of the amazing trip that was awaiting him.


Why me? That was something Louis Tomlinson surely never asked himself. Sure, he was poor and he barely had enough money to pay for food, but he was grateful. He was grateful to be alive and healthy.

Louis lives life in the moment. He never thinks about the past. The past was behind him, so why would he need to bring back all of the disappointing memories from previous years? Louis doesn't think about the future either. Why would he want to think about things that haven't even happened yet when he could be thinking about situations of the present? Louis lives by one motto, live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain.

Louis loves his life. He believes that no one should hate their lives. No matter what has ever happened in your life, he thinks that you should always be able to find something positive.

Most people would hate to be in Louis' shoes. He lives in the streets and earns his money by selling his drawings. He draws portraits for people and sells it to them. But Louis doesn't get much customers, though. People rarely buy his drawings. They look at him and immediately judge him just because of his appearance. His clothes are usually dirty, he has dirt on his face, and he is very skinny. They usually look at him and rush to get away from him. They think he is talentless and probably diseased, Louis thinks. Louis sort of wishes they wouldn't immediately judge him, but at the same time he doesn't care.

Louis doesn't care what they say because they don't know him. Louis only cares what his three best friends think of him. His three best friends are Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Meeting them was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to Louis. They care about him and they like him for who he truly is. He couldn't ask for a better group of friends.

Louis was hanging out with them all right now. They were gathered around a small table drinking and playing poker. They usually don't bet on things when they play, but today they were. It was Niall's idea actually. Each one of them placed something onto the table. Liam put down a new watch, Niall and Louis placed some euros onto the table, but Zayn put down something that shocked us all.

It was a ticket. A ticket aboard a ship. Louis picked it up and read it aloud,
"The Titanic. Doncaster to New York. Boards at 12:00 PM on April 11, 1912. Admits one."

The boys sat there in silence because how the hell did Zayn find one of those? Liam finally spoke,
"How in the world were you able to get one of those? This must've costed a fortune!"
"I found it earlier today, actually. I was minding my own business when I saw it. It was laying by itself atop a table. No one was around so I decided to take it." Zayn said.

Louis, Liam, and Niall all thought how stupid can Zayn be, betting something that valuable? He isn't one of the best poker players in the group and that ticket was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"Are you sure you wanna bet that, lad?" Niall said to Zayn.
"Of course, Ni. I have no use for it so I figure that one of you blokes probably want it."

And with that they all began playing. This game was intense. Louis, Niall, and Liam all wanted to win that ticket. Louis has always wanted to see the rest of the world. Niall strongly believed that he was going to win this, he was the best player in the group. But little did he know, Liam was the smartest and he had strategies to win this. Louis had strategies to though. He was determined to win this ticket.

"I fold." Zayn finally says.
"Yeah, me too." says Liam.
"Well, looks like it's down to just you and me, Lou." Niall says.

Fifteen minutes pass before Louis finally speaks, "Read 'em and weep, Irish boy." Louis says as he places a royal flush onto the table. Niall, Liam, and Zayn's jaws drop all simultaneously. Niall begins clapping because Louis had just beaten him.

Louis is going to New York. Louis gets up and begins dancing around in excitement. He thanks the boys, grabs his ticket, and runs out the door. Louis' got to pack for the trip.

He stuffs three of his best outfits and one pair of shoes into a bag before going to sleep. Louis was so very ready for his trip tomorrow. He smiles to himself and lays down in bed. Louis dreams of the amazing trip that awaits him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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