Foxy Likes Sweet Berries

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"Foxy," Jessiie said gently. "The first step of recovering is admitting you have a problem."

"I'm not! I am not addicted to Sweet Berries!" Foxy shouted.

The berry stains around his muzzle said otherwise...


It all started in the taiga. Foxy had just been out for a walk, enjoying the day on Truly Bedrock. His legs had been drawn to the taiga that morning. It wasn't very unusual. Despite being humanoid, at heart, Foxy still had the instincts of a fox, and the spruce trees were his home. He walked on a gentle podzil, light on his feet. The foxes scurried away as he passed, though one brave pup sniffed him, making a confused face as to why this giant beast smelled like a fox. Foxy gave it a little pet, making note of a curious scar down its head, before it scurried away.

While along his wandering, Foxy was curious to notice some bushes he had spotted previously now had red berries growing out of them. The berries were red and rather small, growing in bunches on thorn covered branches. Foxy reached out to pick one, and yelped when his hand came into contact. A nearby fox scurried away through the bushes, scared by his vocalization. A small reminder of Foxy's player side. Foxy was a bit more careful when he picked the next bunch.

Sniffing the berries, Foxy noted they had a sweet smell. It was a very unique smell, and Foxy couldn't place what it smelled like, a strange mix of sweetness. It didn't smell poisonous. The smell was rather... alluring. Foxy felt his fox instincts guiding him towards it like an ocelot to a fish. Hoping it wasn't poisonous, Foxy took a bite.

And another.

And another.

They were good. Really good. It had a sweet flavor, but with a small tartness that made Foxy's mouth salivate. It was juicy, like a melon, but with a smooth center that Foxy could crush with his tongue. The sweet juice filled his mouth with every berry he ate. Soon, he found the berries he had grabbed ran out. His paw was pricked as he grabbed some more, but that was a temporary concern.

He just wanted to eat some more berries.


The next day, Foxy journeyed to the same spot in the forest, searching for any newly grown berries.While the bushes he had foraged yesterday were void of any ripe berries, some nearby bushes yielded half a stack of sweet berries. Foxy dove through half of them, before deciding to save a few for later. Unlike the previous day, he had business to attend with a certain goggled zombie on the server.

The zombie in question did a double take when Foxy approached. "Have you been eating blood?" ZloyXP asked.

"Just these berries," Foxy replied, bringing another few into his mouth. He checked his supply. Halfway gone and it was only noon. He might need to make another trip searching for more locations.

"...Why?" Zloy asked.

"They taste really good! You should find some on your own," Foxy suggested. He thought about sharing, but with how few he had left, it wouldn't do. Zloy could always find his own.

Although, Foxy wondered if he even wanted Zloy to find them. The more Zloy had, the less Foxy could eat. This made his fur rise slightly. Zloy's eyes rested on the fur, but he shrugged and started talking about Pebbles.

Foxy ate some more berries.


It became a habit, a daily routine. Each morning Foxy would make a trip to the taiga to stock up on more sweet berries. Each day, they'd be gone by noon, requiring a new trip to the taiga. Foxy even built a small base, a simple place for him to dump any trash he had that could stop him from gathering another stack of berries. He often noticed foxes with the berries in their mouths, chowing down on his berries.

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