Chapter 1-Kidnapped

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Bakugo, Deku, Sero, Shinso, Kaminari, Kirishima and Ashido were just hanging around at the park.

"Hey dudes", Sero said, sniffing the air,"D-Do you smell-" He blacked out. Well, all of them did. An ice-cream scented smoke filled the park, but their parents had already been killed.

"Now listen in for todays news!" a weather man said, before a reporter came in view. "Today, seven young kids, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Hanta Sero, Ejirou Kirishima, Hitoshi Shinso, Denki Kaminari, and Mina Ashido were kidnapped at **** park, with their assumed parents dead near by. Here are some photos of the kids."

Seven photos appeared on screen. "Please alert people if you have seen these kids. The three children from last week have not been found either. They are all age ten. Alert the poli-" the T.V shut off.

Their kidnapper looked at them, or more like glared at them. "I can't belive they put you pathetic kids on t.v." All for One, the kidnapper, barked. A, literally, misty man slightly hung his head in shame. Kurogiri.

Deku knew all the villans. He had subconciously writtendown all their weaknesses and knew all about their quirks. Of course, he himself did not posses any of those uncanny abilities. He was quirkless. Just those thoughts put him in a panic attack.

Bakugo growled at him. He didn't like him, and he was afraid that Deku would get hurt, because he didn't have a quirk. Unfortunatly, when he tried to use his quirk on the two men, he was shocked untill he passed out.

Kirishima was very, very scared. Infact, he was terrified. Bakugo was passed out, while Deku was about to pass out from a panic attack. "Hey thats not very- AAHHHH" Kirishima tried to speak, but before he could finish his sentence, he was shocked by the shock collar.

Shinso, Kaminari and Sero were just asleep, still affected by the smoke.

Mina was pretending to sleep, so that she wouldn't get hurt, but she knew what was happening, and could feel the shock collar on her neck.

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