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Chapter 1: Film Festival

Justin (POV)

It was my first time at the film festival and the first time anyone has seen my film. I was kinda of nerves because I didn't want anyone to make fun of my film. The one thing I'm hoping is to find a girl friend since I'm 20 years old and I don't have a girlfriend yet I just hope that I find someone special.

At the film festival

I haven't really met any friend yet since I'm really awkward. They announce that everyone to go in the middle so they can check on are films. I sit in the third row since the second and the third one was full. I was so nervous, good thing I brought my stress ball with me. I play around with it then accidentally drop it and rolls into the second row and lands next to a guys feet. "Ummm excuse me sir can you pass me my ball it's under your feet." Here you go. " T-Tttt. What is going on with me why is my heart beating so fast and why does that boy has the cutest smile I ever seen... WHAT NO I CAN'T BE IN LOVE ESPECIALLY WITH A B-BOY! "T-Thank you my name is Justin what's your name." My name is Adam also Justin is pretty cute name *wink* "I... Thank you Adam is also a pretty cute name to." Ugh what am I even doing I should go home before my cringe film comes on."Hey Justin your film is coming up next" I'm so nervous I feel like I'm about to vomit or something I really hope Adam likes my film. As soon as the film starts Adam starts bursting out laughing and it was one of the cutest thing I ever heard. "Justin I never knew you were so funny" "Hey Adam I need to use the restroom could you show me were it is" Sure follow me"

             (At the bathroom)

I use the restroom and wash my hands and can see Adam waiting for me. "Hey Justin I'm going to be honest your pretty cute to be a guy with no girlfriends"  "Really because your pretty cute to"    "Is that so Adam" Yes" Next thing I know me and Adam lips touch and barely had time to see his film. Finally I let go of the kiss and I'm just in shocked.  "Adam I- I am so sorry I just don't know what's wrong with me I- Adam kisses me one last time. " It's ok Justin I forgive you "  Umm Adam do you want to be my b-boyfrind. Of course I would love to be your boyfriend Justin we already kiss sooo I would love to " Then it's settled you come to my house after the festival is done " Ok Justin "

                   I hate for making this. Anyways part coming soon 😚

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