Needing Your Touch

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Smut ahead!! Please beware of a shitty story :9

You and Ellie have been friends for a while now. You guys had been through thick and thin together after things on patrol always seemed to pop up when you two were put together. There was the one time where Ellie saved you from a stalker that you, of course, didn't see approaching you from the back. Or the time where Ellie almost was pushed to her death by a hunter, but you tackled him before he could get the chance. Or the time where Ellie took down a group of people single-handedly with her bow and arrow when she saw them approaching your hiding spot. Or the time when- well you get the point. You both had saved each other numerous times and it built an unbreakable bond between the two of you. Wherever Ellie was, everyone knew they could find you and vice versa.

         The people of Jackson called you both shadows of each other because of your close friendship. Your friends all made fun of you both and said you'd end up together some day and the thing is... you daydreamed about being with her for so long. Yet, you'd never had the courage to say anything to her. You felt as though she could never love you, not even during times like these where lovers were hard to find. You were especially scared that you'd lose your dynamic of Ellie and Y/n, Y/n and Ellie. One of your biggest fears was losing her in the first place. You knew that as a friend, she'd be there for you no matter what. But what if you had a horrible argument as a couple, broke up and never spoke again? You couldn't chance that so you chose to keep your mouth closed.

You always would imagine Ellie holding you tight and whispering loving words in your ear as you dosed off to sleep. Sometimes your imagination would go a tad further than just a cuddling session, though you couldn't bring yourself to think about that right now, as you were sitting opposite to her and felt like she'd be able to read your mind. It seemed like she could do that very often; read your mind. Whenever the thought of her rough, vein-popping hands gripping your chin and turning your face towards hers came into mind, it seemed she'd almost smirk at you, as if she knew.

   Little did you know that she knew when you were thinking about something dirty because you'd get the reddest cheeks and you'd squirm in an uncomfortable mess as you cleared your throat. Ellie felt the same way about you that you felt about her, yet she never said a thing because of the fear that you both shared. Neither of you felt the need to change something that was so perfect already, but a longing constantly sat inside the both of your stomachs. A longing for someone to love and to hold and to cry into. You both of course had had flings, but it seemed the other always disapproved of their significant other. Neither of you knew why exactly, but you were glad they did because it never felt right with someone else. It felt as though you were missing something. Better yet, missing someone.

You had a teasing relationship with her and kind of hoped she felt the same way about you from the way she acted. Never wanting your nightmare of her slipping through your fingers to come true, as always, you'd keep a zip on your lips. With the constant taunting, you both found it incredibly hard not to say or do anything to the other, though. You both always held a feeling as if the other had hung the moon for yourselves. You both also held a feeling of pure craving, the need to touch the other in ways you knew friends didn't touch each other.

Moving back to present time, you stared at her from across the cafeteria table, as you both were scheduled for duty in the north-eastern outside regions of Jackson and needed to get something to eat before your long journey ahead. You took in every single detail about her heavenly face and body. You moved your hand as you rested your chin on it, basically gawking even more intently at what you deemed "playfully" to be the love of your life. Everything from her freckles scattered about her cheeks to the tattoo that covered her forearm that you thought was oh so sexy to the cut that lie on her eyebrow that gave her even more edge to the way her wet, beautiful lips moved when she talked, seemingly as if she was calling your name time after time after- Oh. You snapped out of your usual daydream to find Ellie's face closer than normal as she repeated your name again. "I- i'm sorry, I was just a little in my head," you said, a little breathier than normal. Ellie knew you'd probably been thinking of something naughty as per usual and decided to tease you about it. "Couldn't get the thought of Dina off your mind, huh? Her big boobs and thick as-" Ellie burst out laughing as you gaped at her with a look of pure horror with your hand held as if to stop her after she talked about her ex which you hated so much.

Desperation //Ellie x Fem ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang