Goodbye, Phil Coulson

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It was time. The funeral was starting. A hero had died. A hero called Phil.

All of the avengers made speeches. Bruce talked about how Phil understood how hard it was to control his anger.

Clint talked about how Phil welcomed him with open arms.

Natasha talked about how he always knew what to say.

Tony talked about how funny Phil was.

Steve talked about how Phil loved Captain America but he also talked about how Captain America was a fan of Phil Coulson.

That was when she broke down. She was the only unknown person there. Tony thought she looked oddly familiar.

After the funeral, the avengers decided to ask. Tony volunteered.

"Who are you? To Phil, I mean"

She looked at him in disgust for his bluntness and went to say goodbye. The avengers wouldn't have been able to hear her if anyone else was talking but everyone else had left.

"You died believing in the avengers, in heroes. But you died not knowing that you were my hero. I know, I said Captain America was my hero but I only said that to make you happy."

Steve smiled a little at this.

"Hey, did Rogers ever sign those trading cards? I wouldn't know because Nick wouldn't give me the cards. I was okay with it. I have my own set."

The tears started falling again.

"But then he started taking everything else. Your books, your clothes, your paintings, even your favourite snowglobe!"

A humourless chuckle escaped her lips.

"Then I stopped being okay with it. I'm babbling now, and I just came to say goodbye. So, I love you and goodbye, Phil Coulson."

She turned to leave but the avengers were blocking the exit.

"Who are you?" Tony's bluntness not bothering her anymore.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and answered, "I'm Stephanie Coulson and Phil Coulson is my father."

It was silent for a minute until Tony realised.

"Wait, Phil named you after the Capsicle?"

So guys
The feels are too much right now and to get some of the feels out I wrote this. If there are any stories with bits like this or little bits of fluff like this, I'm sorry but I haven't seen any like this
I haven't stolen from anybody that I am aware of.
Thanks for reading

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