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Kairi sat on his bed as the moonlight hit the right side of him . His chubby and perfect thighs covered up with his white pintuck covers. Small tears trailing down his cheeks as he slowly moved his index finger watching a beautiful butterfly that laid on his petite finger. with a smile he admired the beautiful colors the insect contained .

Butterflies always were attracted to him , they made him feel secure and pretty . Almost as if he were a Disney princess . With a slight smile he began to speak to the butterfly .

" I still remember third of December as if it were just yesterday ." he'd softly tell the butterfly as another landed on his shoulder . "that day I received the only sign of kindness and care , something I hadn't felt since forever and there was this boy , he was very handsome . he was there for me when I was in tears . if only he'd been here now.."


Kairi would walk in between people trying to make his way into the kitchen for punch that his girlfriend had asked him for . He was at a December party , meaning there was loads of people there . "Excuse me" the smaller boy would tell the others , he highly disliked being by many people and the only reason he was there was because of emily .

She had been the one who forced him to go to the party , to try and make friends and the one who told him to get her a punch if he wasn't going to do anything fun. And so he did , what he hadn't known was that another boy had watched him from not so far away. A much more taller boy.

Once he had her punch hed make his way back to where his girlfriend was last at and right there he watched his "girlfriend" make out with another . he slowly watched , holding in his tears from falling . instead of saying anything he walked away. he walked past down the hallway , his small body pushing against much more stronger ones . making his way outside.

The other boy watched , he watched as kairis face dropped more then it had already been . For some odd reason he felt his hurt , quickly following behind him . Stopping once the front door slammed shut .
He watched the door wondering if he should have gone to him or if the other needed to be alone .

He'd fail so many times at helping others and he didn't want it to be that way this time so he opened the door , looking towards the street . disappointment filling in him seeing no sign of the small boy . that was until he heard a small sob , a sob that sounded angelic . He turned his face towards him

Kairi sat on the porch swing that was by the door , running his fingers through the dark blue plastic cup . quietly sobbing while crystal clear tears formed in his eyes. "hey.." a voice said , it sounded deep but it had a soft tone.  kairi turned to face him , quickly wiping his tears "i-im sorry ? is this your porch ? i didn't mean t- " hed try to say but was cut off by the taller . " don't apologize " he said , chuckling at the boys behavior . " its not my porch , i don't even know whos party this is . " hed tell the boy . "really..?" kairi asked , softly smiling as he began to shiver . " yeah , me and my friends just decided to swing by. we bring presents or baked goods for people in the community around this time . " he said , with a shrug " my mom says its good to do something good around december " the taller finished.

" that's actually quiet nice , its a vibe " kairi told him , sadness in his voice " oh um..whats your name ? " the tall one asked him " im kairi , not that my last name matters but its cosentino " the boy said and smiled again but with much more happiness " im mattia , not that my last name matters either but its polibio . you cold kairi ?" mattia asked him . "u-uh well...only a bit" hed say , shivering with a giggle .

" here " mattia would tell the boy , removing his sweater from himself and placing it over the boys head . " thank you mattia " the small boy said and smiled softly to himself. quickly getting consumed with the warm sweater , and the ysl cologne scent . " well my moms here , it was nice to meet you kai " hed tell the boy , giving him a random hug . the wasian was confused slightly, but with no questions he hugged the boy back . not wanting to let go " goodnight matti " hed say , placing a kiss on his cheek without thinking . mattia looked at the boy , puzzled at first . a smile then appearing on his face . " im sorry , was that too m-much? " hed softly ask him . " nah its all good " hed respond , kissing his small cold and red nose .

" see you around perhaps?" he asked , placing something inside of the sweater made of polyester. " yeah " he nodded while he watched the taller go down the three steps . stumbling on one of them , hoping this wouldn't be the last time hed see him . " Wait ! your sweater" kairi said , remembering he had been wearing it . he got up trying to run towards the boy , but it had already been too late . the italian was already in the car , his window rolled down . " keep it " he yelled to the boy with a wide smile , playfully blowing him a kiss . kairi giggled , watching the car drive away .

                                                                         BACK IN TIME    

" and thats how i met him " hed say , his free hand playing with the strings of the sweater that still had the scent of the boy . " he sounds perfect doesn't he ? " kai asked the butterflies with a sad smile , a large amount of tears rolling down his cheek . " i miss him " hed tell the butterfly on his finger . sobbing and hiccuping until his small body grew tired and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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