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Kuroo and Tsukishima had been dating in secret for around a month now, they had done lots of stuff together. He had gotten plenty of hickeys from Tsuki but they were never visible when he would wear his uniform for volleyball. But last night things had gotten a bit out of hand and his neck was covered in hickeys and he had no kind of make-up to cover it. He grumbled to himself with a small smile as he changed into his normal clothes and headed to morning practice.

Kuroo had walked with Kenma to school, he was the only one who knew about his and Tsuki's relationship. He had not found out in a nice way, it was a Saturday evening and Kuroo had forgotten that he had invited Kenma over earlier that week. So he and Tsuki were making out on the couch when the door opened, to Kenma standing there who almost burst out laughing. Kuroo had sat up so quickly turning to Kenma, Tsukishima underneath him with a very flushed face. They had Kenma swear to never tell a soul, so far he had kept that promise.

Kuroo and Kenma had arrived at the gym and got changed into their practice gear, they headed out into the gym area where everyone had everything setup. Once Kuroo had gathered everyone around to tell them what they would be doing Yaku asked the question he was hoping not to hear. "So what happened to you Mr. Captain" he had a small smug smirk on his face, Kuroo then started to panic for a answer "Um uh, I was attacked by a crow" he practically blurted it out he was half lying when he said it. Kenma couldn't hold his laughter anymore so he doubled over in tears and hysterics, Yaku's smirk just got bigger "So which one was it im guessing the tall blonde midlle blocker." Kuroo's face turned the same shade of red as their jerseys, which told Yaku that his assumption was correct.


Okay guys so that is all for my first one shot for this book, I wanted to start off with a small one. I came up with this idea while doing dishes one night, because my brain works like that. The funny part is Kuroo wasn't techinaclly lying because it was a crows fault. Well that's all for now, I promise a new chapter of fate of the mates will come out soon I am currently working on the chendy one, I just need a couple more paragraphs.

~ Ray

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