My Name Is Accelerator

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It was over after a long battle the Kyuubi was defeated. It was not without its costs, however. The third Hokage had to give his life to seal the demon. The fourth Hokage and his wife were alive, but unconscious in the hospital and were predicted to stay unconscious for at least a week. No one could blame them however as fighting the Kyuubi and giving birth to triplets would take it out of anyone.

There was a problem though someone had to take care of the triplets while the parents were recovering. It was decided that the Sannin would each take one and keep it safe until Minato or Kushina woke up.

Jiraiya got the most important of the bunch. A little girl by the name of Naruko (Kushina had told Jiraiya the names of all her kids before she passed out) the leaf's new jinchuriki. Tsunade was given the other girl; Minima. She had the Kyuubi's leftover chakra sealed inside her: about one tails worth.
The last and only boy of the bunch Naruto was given to Orochimaru. This was a little strange because Orochimaru didn't seem like a person who would willingly take care of a kid, but he seemed eager to get Naruto. Later Jiraiya and Tsunade would say he was too eager. Naruto didn't have anything from the Kyuubi or if he did get any chakra from Kyuubi it was minimal.

After the Kids were given to each Sannin Orochimaru took off to his lab with an evil grin on his face. When he got to his lab he set Naruto down on a table and started packing. Today he was going to leave Konoha. It was a little earlier than planned, but he wanted to take his new test subject with him and he wouldn't have him for long. Yes, he had special plans for the son of the Hokage.

When Orochimaru finished he warped Naruto in a blanket to hide him from view and quickly escaped the village. It wasn't hard everyone was still disorganized due to the Kyuubi. He escaped without anyone noticing.

Kushina eyes opened slowly still trying to adjust to the light. Once she was able to accomplish that. She looked around to see she was in a hospital room. Once she realized she was in a hospital room her mind went into overdrive trying to remember what had happened. Then she shot up. "Minato, The kids, Where are they?" Kushina started to panic. She was going to get out of bed and leave the hospital when the door opened.

"Kushina you're awake!" Minato said as he ran into Kushina line of vision carrying two baby girls.

"Minato thank goodness you're ok and a those my babies?" Kushina said holding her hands out. "Let me hold them." Minato smiled as he gave them to Kushina who embraced them. "They're so warm, but where's Naruto?" she asked.

That's when Minato's mood changed from happy to depressed. "There something I need to tell you," Minato told her how he had woken up two days earlier and how Orochimaru took Naruto. "Don't worry Kushina we'll find him. I have every anbu team under me along with Jiraiya's spy network looking everywhere. We'll catch Orochimaru."

None of Minato's words could clam Kushina, however, as she was crying and holding Naruko and Minima even closer. "But why would he take him? What is he planning on doing with my baby boy?" Kushina sobbed.

Minato hesitated for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should tell Kushina what they had found so far. It would just make her depressed, but in the end, Minato figured Kushina would force him to tell her anyways. "We found a lab. It looks like it was being used for human experiments." Minato said bracing himself for Kushina reaction.

The look on Kushina's face was pure horror. "He took my son to be used for his sick experiments," Kushina said as her eyes darkened. "Minato when you find Orochimaru I want you to bring him to me so I can rip him limb from limb." She said sounding angry and sad all at the same time.

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