♡A Fragile Gift♡

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     A quiet breath of amusement slipped from Florence's lips as she could only smile in absolute adoration. She couldn't begin to describe how full her heart was of love and happiness. She couldn't think about anything else other than the bundle of joy she held in her tired arms. The princess's warm gaze stayed on the newborn while she ever so tenderly and carefully brushed some of Amelie's hair back. She couldn't help but softly hum another laugh when the baby softly grasped onto her dainty finger.

"You know... Your dad is going to be here any second, I promise... I can hear his footsteps." Florence mused sweetly under her breath. "He is quite late isn't he? It's alright though, I'm quite sure he is more excited to meet you than I was." The beautiful and tired blonde added sweetly. Her fingers softly and lovingly brushed over Amelie's rosy cheek before she let out a content sigh. Florence felt as if she couldn't look away from the perfect bundle in her arms, nothing else mattered in the world other than the newborn. And oh was every day and every pain worth it.

Florence adjusted her blankets before making sure the little girl in her arms was alright and happy. How could she not smile with utter adoration and love at the heart warming sight. "You have your dad's eyes that's for sure... You even have quite the serious expression for someone so young." The blonde belle couldn't help but tiredly laugh before she heard the door to her and Viktor's bedroom quickly swing open, beholding an extremely frazzled and disheveled prince standing there. His eyes were red with tears and his posture could tell anyone that he was a mess at the moment.

♡ ♡ ♡

Viktor has never felt his entire body grow so cold so fast the moment he was given the startling news of his wife. He was the one able to hold his composure with ease and stay calm through anything, but when he was told of Florence- he swore he was on the verge of a complete freak out. He felt as if everything came crashing down on him. Of course this happened when he had been away! Florence promised him she would be alright, that he needed to go to this meeting for political reasons! He was already worried about his sweetheart with leaving her for only two days! Well, he learned his lesson that was for sure.

His loud footsteps were brisk and fast as he sprinted down the manor's hallways, his usually nicely kept hair was all over the place, his hazel eyes were wide in fear if anything had happened to her. Viktor kept running and finally made it down to his and Florence's bedroom door where he was told she was at. Tears stung his eyes in worry for his sweetheart, but he was quick to wipe them away with the back of his hand. He felt as if he wasn't fast enough when he made it to their bedroom door, and when he did he roughly shoved them open.

But, the second his narrow hazel eyes landed on his wife, his body grew limp in relief that she was alright. She was... well- There and had the biggest smile on her pink lips. And that's when he saw the blanket that was wrapped around his new daughter. A choked out laugh came from him as a smile of disbelief played across his handsome features. His reaction seemed to make Florence smile warmly while her wide eyes watered ever so subtly with tears of joy. Oh how relieved she was to see him... It truly was a hard feat to go through such a thing without him by her side. But now he was finally with her.

Softly, Viktor closed the door behind him, careful not to make any unnecessary noise. A great contrast to when he slammed open the doors and practically shook the walls. Quietly he walked up to his wife who sat in the bed, her beautiful features were full of fatigue yet she had the brightest smile on her lips. His eyes stung with fresh tears all over again as he smiled big at the sight of her holding their daughter.

"You did it, darling." He could only murmur before kissing her forehead lovingly, his gaze holding nothing but unconditional love for the woman. His large hand cupped her cheek with utmost care as he just gazed at her... She was perfectly fine and so was their little girl. The tall man then chuckled under his breath and pressed one more kiss but to her lips this time. "You really scared me, sweetheart..." He tenderly pushed back some of her disheveled blonde hair, that was still clinging to her forehead, as he gingerly sat beside her and let her rest up against his chest, his long arms finding their way around her slight frame. His eyes could only look down at the baby in her arms as Amelie moved a bit. "My apologies, I didn't exactly plan it to go this way." Florence tiredly teased her handsome husband, which earned herself a playful stern look from him. "I'm quite sure I got gray hairs from it." The princess breathed a faint laugh, her green eyes flickering up at him. "Maybe that's just you getting old, sweetheart..."

He let a chuckle leave his lips to her teasing. He then looked down and watched Amelie with wonder and adoration. "She's absolutely perfect." He murmured, his chin resting on Florence's head. A sweet hum came from the princess as she watched Amelie hold her finger. "She definitely is... She's oh so beautiful." She whispered under her breath, truly the two of them were swooned off their feet by the newborn. For a second, Viktor hesitated before he brought a hand to brush back some of the unruly blonde hair she had.

"You have no idea how happy a man you have made me, Florence Worsencroft..." The prince quietly whispered out, his gaze never leaving Amelie although it was directed to his loving wife. Florence felt her heart swell. "I am such a lucky man." He added sweetly before looking at her with fondness, his eyes threatening with tears. "You have given me a run for my money that's for sure though." Viktor jested with his wife, in which the blonde beauty rolled her eyes. Gently she rested back against him and the two of them held the newest addition in their arms. And for the rest of the day it was that way...


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