|:|Chapter one|:|

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Tricky sighed as she debated on telling her mom she wanted to quit ballet
"Wonder what my mom would do if I just like, Quit" she pondered as Jake skated past behind her on the tall bowl skate ramp that she was sitting at the bottom on
"Grounded for life" Jake said as he skated back and forth doing tricks on the said bowl skate ramp before stopping where fresh and y/n was
"Bonus to a barley fresh" Jake said to fresh before fresh went down the bowl ramp and back again
"Or maybe she finally gets off your back" fresh said to Tricky before y/n chimed in
"She might freak out" y/n stated with a slight worried expression
"Roast beef to barley back at ya" fresh said to Jake with a playful punch in the arm before skating down the ramp once again doing a trick once in the air while the other end, but when he gets back he messes up the trick and lands rather unsmoothly without his board on the top of the ramp.
"S K A T!" Jake said to fresh and pointed at the man, which made y/n chuckle, tricky rolled her eyes and somewhat irritatedly said
"Do you guys really have to play skate right now? trying to have an extensional crises here!" Tricky exclaimed
"We bet five bucks and I need lunch money.. so, yeah" Jake said as fresh got up and brushed himself off
"You got starved my friend" fresh said as y/n nodded in agreement
"So your crisis got me thinking tricky" Yutani said as she walked around with her homemade metal detector
"newtons third law says every action has an equal opposite reaction" she continued as her mental detector went off
"Wow.. this must be massive" Yutani said under her breath as the magnet pulled out a tin can from the ground which disappointed her
"Oh..." Yutani said with sadness in her voice from the disappointing find
"So you think what! My mom makes me quit skateboarding?" Tricky said as Yutani replied
"Hard to argue with logic" she said with a shrug
"Have to agree with Yunnie, your mom is so hardcore!" Jake said as he went to one side of the ramp doing a trick as he landed and going back
"True that" fresh said as he went down the ramp
"Still fish to Juno-" fresh said as he did a trick in the air then back to the top of the ramp
"But she could surprise you" he said as Jake went down the ramp
"Maybe she'll be supportive?" Y/n said as fresh shrugged a bit
"Nah, the only thing that surprises me these days is when Jake wears matching socks" tricky said which made Jake who was in the air trying to a trick lose focas and fail the said trick
"S K A T" fresh smirking said with y/n as tricky typed out 'mom I wanna be a street dancer!' Deciding wether to send or not
"Actually I think I might a theory that might explain why Jake has a soft glitch" Yutani said still walking around with her metal detector
"Which it said we all evolved from aquatic bipeds" she examined which confused tricky and y/n
"What dose that even have to do with-" tricky said confused but was cut by Jake saying
"Webbed feet would be so cool, no more socks or shoes!" Which made fresh imagine being a sea creature and eating a squid
"No way was I a aqua dude" fresh said
"Bleh, I hate seafood!" He exclaimed just as Jake said
"Okay dude check this! Fakie Benihana to a Superman to a sex change!" Jake said as everyone looked at him like he was crazy
"Jake, you can't do that combo!" Tricky exclaimed as she got up looking at him like he was a dead man
"No choice! Need that cash bad! I am starving" Jake said as he prepared his board to do the combo
"I bet 10 dollars that you will not make this" y/n said as Jake went down the ramp then in the air, he did a Superman and was convinced he was gonna land back on the ramp but hit the edge and absolutely ate shit
Once Jake finally stopped rolling he mumbled cuss words to himself while everyone else looked at eachother and plugged their ears as Jake went on a rage since he failed the combo
"So hard to land that!" Jake said angrily after yelling at the sky and breaking his board, he walked away grumpily kicking rocks
"Personally I don't think we evolved, we just turn into our parents, or some reaction to them" tricky said sadly while looking at Yutani
"So my theory is that we evolved from microbial life you know, like germs that probably came here like a meteor from some other galaxy" Yutani said as y/n and fresh skated down to tricky and sat next to her
"What, so your saying that we're aliens?" Fresh said
"Exactly!" Yutani examined as she walked around looking for stuff as Jake came back and sat by them
"I gotta day, having your own ufo to cruse around in would be so cool " he said as he pulled out a five and ten which y/n and fresh grabbed their cut
"A wicked sound system and that ufo is one sweet ride" fresh said putting away the money before Yutani chimed in
"Well technically sound waves couldn't escape the antigravity fields that would take to power a ufo" she said as she neared a metal object in the ground which made the metal detector go off
"Oo!.. probably just another rusty can" Yutani said she turned on the magnet and the metal detector started to go off and out of control as it pulled itself to a large and very magnetic object in the ground
"Maybe not!" Yutani said as Jake tried to stop her from being pulled by the metal detector but that obviously failed
They went through a fence and finally stopped but suddenly every tin can and metal started to float as they all looked in aw and disbelief, as they started to go into the ground the rest started to try to pull them away from the hole that was fastly started to increase in depth until they where all sucked into the hole
     A blue light flashed and they all screamed as they where thrown out with a weird large object, they all looked over to the object and started walking over to it, the object had an ominous blue glow coming from it
     As y/n walked near the object she noticed a person in the corner of her eye, she looked over at the person who looked to be a man in a suit with a bunny mask and a briefcase, they made eye contact before the man for a few seconds before he walked away, y/n was obviously confused but no one else seemed to notice the man since they where all fixated on the object
     "Woah.," Yutani said as she inspected the object in question

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