my experiences with angels on earth:

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     Have you ever, I mean don't just quickly answer this question without putting serious thought to it, felt the presence of an angel in your life? Seriously you could feel like an angel has dramatically saved your life or just one showed up just when you needed one in your life. 
     Me personally, I have had at least two experiences where I walked away  feeling in awe "that was an angel who just visited me!"  It wasn't so much the life saving type but the "thank you God for sending me an angel in my time of need!"

     Ok the first time was when I was down on my luck and i felt helpless!!  I was in desperate need of cash and i had something posted on craislist for quite  a long time.  It was an item valued at $2000 but after months of trying to sell it and constantly lowering my prices I gave up. Well the day I felt desperately in need of cash I placed it again for the low price of $100.  Well I figured it wouldn't be sold because I had the price as low as $50 and no calls at all showing any interest whatsoever.  As I said though I was really in need this day and although I had no luck for months to sell this item I decided it wouldn't hurt to try again.  So I once again posted it on Craigslist I needed to pay $100 for a debt it was due on that day. So I posted it for $100 not expecting to get a response like I hadn't for months already!  This day though a gentleman did call, I gave him my address and he said he would be over.  I didn't think it would happen he probably wouldn't even show up.  I was feeling so depressed and hopeless that I just was teary and so distraught.  Within mere minutes of his call a knock on the front door was answered by my son.  He came to my bedroom and stuck his head in the door and I kid you not he said "hey mom there is an angel at the door!"  When I walked out to the front door I felt an absolute peace come over me.  This man was id say in his mid 60s with gray hair and the most twinkling blue eyes id ever seen.  Its not his appearance or the fact that he purchased this item from me no questions asked it was the feeling of warmth, love and acceptance I felt around him the minute I was standing in his presence.   He was only there for a whole 5 minutes at the most but I knew in my heart this man was an angel!!  Even later my son described feeling the same in this mans, this angels, presence.  Not very exciting and dramatic but I tell you this touched my heart just as the second one did.

     The second time was even less of a story but the same feeling that this person was a true angel on earth that was sent from the lord above.  I was on the freeway close to my exit to get off to go home and my car got a flat I was having one of those days!  I pulled to side of road and was pulling out my AAA card  and phone but before I could even dial a truck pulled up behind me!  I looked and it happened to be one of our local tire shops truck!  The man was young probably 30s to 40s and again had this look of serenity on his face again his eyes were ones that made you see his soul or well it's hard to explain!  Instantly I was filled with awe over the peace he made me feel in the short time he went to work getting my tire changed!  In both events I will forever remember the truly peaceful warm sensation that filled my being in their presence.  I drove away that day knowing without a doubt that he was a gift an angel on earth sent to help me in my time of need!

    I posted this long ago and well I wished I would here from whom ever read this about their possible experiences but no one as of yet has!  So again I ask tell me about yours! I want to see you respond here and tell me your story of true inspiring angels.  Reply now with your uplifting story of angels on earth!!  Spread your stories send it to me and we will make a compilation!  Positive uplifting and or whatever I would like to read about any story you want to share! Well thanks!!

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