Netflix and Chill?

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We start with a make out session. I'll move into your lap and slowly start to grind into your lap. I'll move my hands down your chest until they reach the hem of your shirt. As my hands roam under your shirt I'll move from kissing your mouth to you ear trailing down your neck. I'll slowly speed up my grinding pace until I eventually remove your shirt. I'll do the same to mine and go back to making out with you. We stand up, my legs wrapping around your waist and move to go to the bedroom. On the way I start to pull at the hemline of your pants with one hand while playing with your hair with the other. We stop in the hallway leaning against the wall. I'll flip places with you, and move down your body. Leaving small kisses the entire way down. I'll pull on your pants until they are around your ankles, doing the same with your underwear. Once you're "friend" is free I'll start at the tip and slowly stroke my hand the length of your member. I'll place my tongue on the tip and slowly take you into my mouth. I'll continue to swirl my tongue around your tip before taking you back into my mouth. I'll suck until you cum in my mouth. I'll come back up to full height and lead you to the bedroom, removing the rest of my clothes in the process. You'd push me against the wall and start to kiss me once again. I'd wrap my legs around your waist again as we make out again. You'd start to kiss my neck and chest leaving marks as you go.

Taking one of my breast into your hand and the other into your mouth continuing to leave marks. You'll lift me up until your head meets my waist line where you start to kiss down to the insides of my thighs. You start to leave marks on the insides of my thighs trailing to my pussy before teasing with your tongue. You start to fully eat me out as I pull on your hair and release moans encouraging you to go on. You'll continue eating eating me out until I cum on your face. Once you finish, you'll throw me onto the bed and climb on top of me. I kiss you before you thrust roughly into me releasing a loud moan from my mouth. My arms will wrap around you and pull you in closer to my body. The harder you thrust the louder I get knowing the neighbors will complain but not caring. My nails start to dig into your back only motivating you to get faster and rougher. My back starts to arch as I reach my release. You coming shortly afterwards, but, that was only round 1 😉

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