Return To Lougetown! Luffy's execution?!

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The sun was shining down upon an island near the Grand Line. Monkey D. Luffy walked down the streets of Lougetown with a grin on his face and chains around his arms and legs. Everyone was at Lougetown to witness the execution of the second pirate king. People believed that marines had captured the famous pirate but that's not what happened at all, because the marines made them believe them to cover up the truth.

After the Straw Hat pirates had found the One Piece and conquered the grand line just as Gol D. Roger had done years before, they headed back to the East Blue to Spend time with old friends. As they stopped close to the red line to sleep some before heading back to the East Blue the marines captured the Straw Hat pirates except Luffy, who was the only one not asleep. In order to let his friends go, Luffy had to accept execution, and being the kind young man he is, he accepted.

So now we return to the current time at Lougetown as Monkey D. Luffy walked down the street to the execution stand. Many people in the crowd knew that Luffy wasn't a bad pirate and he helped many people. They thought that it was unfair and they wanted to stand up for Luffy, but they didn't want to get on the government's bad side. They stared in wonder of how this man, the one who had never been captured, was captured and was now walking toward his death.

Luffy walked up the stairs and stood where Gold Roger had done years before on the same day. Even though he walked up the stairs toward his death, his grin never faded one bit. He didn't know this but at this very moment the Straw Hat pirates arrived to save their captain, since he saved them. They ran towards the center of town to where the execution was being held. Then suddenly it started raining heavily and lighting flashed in the sky. The Straw Hats where stopped by a man in a large green hood. The mans name was Monkey D. Dragon. "Don't worry Straw Hats. I'm stopping this execution," Dragon told them.

"Monkey D. Luffy! You are charged with the crimes of being a pirate and going against the marines and the world government, not to mention the defeat of many terrible pirates! You are sentenced to execution! If you have any last words say them now!"
People expected what proceeded to be like what happened with Gold Roger years ago but it was very different.

"This man has done nothing wrong! The marines did not capture him, he gave himself up to save his nakama! He hasn't even began to finish his adventures yet!" The man in the hood(dragon) yelled. The people where shocked by the truth.

"Kill Straw Hat now!" The marine ordered. They lifted their spears but before they could kill Luffy, lighting came out of the sky and broke the execution dock just as it had done when Luffy was going to be killed by Buggy a few years ago at Lougetown. Luffy never stopped grinning through the entire thing.
I hoped you liked it! This is my first fanfic ever so I hope it turned out fine. Chapter 2 coming soon!

One Piece- Pirate King Luffy! Vol. 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant