💛Everything from 1-4seasone💛

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🧡Austin and Ally first met in the ep.Rockers & Writers, where they became music partners. Austin thought Ally had a crush on him in the ep.Secrets & Songbooks, although she was really crushing on Dallas. They shared their first dance in the ep.Club Owners & Quinceañeras.
🧡Season 2 hinted they had feelings for each other, which was proven to be true later in the season. Ally was the first to admit her feelings for Austin in the ep.Girlfriends & Girl Friends. Austin realized his feelings for Ally in the ep.Campers & Complications and they almost kissed in the end of the episode. Austin and Ally shared their first kiss in the ep.Chapters & Choices, but Kira ruined the moment saying she'd be Austin's girlfriend, leaving Ally heartbroken. They became a couple in the ep.Partners & Parachutes. They were a couple for a little while, but decided to be friends because their relationship was getting in the way of their partnership, so they broke up in the ep.Couples & Careers. However, they agreed to get back together when they both thought that they were ready to be a couple again.
🧡They both admitted they still had feelings for each other in the ep.Tunes & Trials. They shared their second kiss in the ep.Real Life & Reel Life (For a scene of a movie that Trish and Dez wanted to make, but they kept kissing even when they could stop). Ally admitted that she still had feelings for Austin in the ep.Fresh Starts & Farewells and at the end of the episode, Austin tried to tell Ally something (possibly that he loved her), but was unable to get the words out and gave her a vague card instead.
🧡In the ep.Hunks & Homecoming, Austin got jealous of Ally and Gavin's partnership and realized he wanted to get back together with her, but he didn't have a chance to tell his feelings to Ally, because she went out with Gavin, leaving Austin heartbroken. In the ep.Last Dances & Last Chances, they both broke up with Gavin and Piper to be together; Austin then asked Ally to be his prom date, and she said yes, they shared their third kiss and finally rekindled. They both finally said "I love you" to each other, and shared their fourth kiss in the ep.Relationships & Red Carpets before leaving to go on Ally's tour together.
🧡In Season 4 they are finally together for a lot of time without breaking up. In the ep.Wedding Bells & Wacky Birds, Austin and Ally got fake married for Home Economy, that episode showed their relationship as a married couple and they shared their fifth kiss. They share their sixth kiss in the ep.Karaoke & Kalamity and the seventh, even through glass, in the ep.Comebacks & Crystal Balls.
🧡In the two part series finale, the ep.Musicals & Moving On and the ep.Duets & Destiny, Austin and Ally's relationship doesn't go well and they break up for 4 years, which causes them to not speak to each other for that long, but from the help of Trish and Dez, they perform a duet together and rekindle. It is then revealed 6 years later, that Austin and Ally are more in love than ever and are married with two kids - a boy and a girl - after Ally reveals to their kids that Austin proposed to her when they were on tour together, in paris, and live happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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