Sjaak the Pigeon

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"ACE!" Sounds the screeching scream erupting from the store's front. "HE'S BACK AGAIN, THAT DAMN PIGEON!"

The called man, Ace, sighs loudly. This probably marks the thirtieth time the sneaky bastard waddled his way inside their bakery. Ever since the beginning of this week the bird had been spotted. At first they didn't care, the pigeon stayed outside just like the other pigeons surveying the store's entrance, but after a day the feathered bastard continued to make his way inside and eat everything he could reach.

Yesterday alone marked nearly forty times that Ace had to go outside and shoo the cooing ball of colored feathers away. Not that it helped, no. Sjaak kept coming back. Ace isn't sure if the bird has a name but they dubbed him as Sjaak, that way it's easier to discern about which pigeon they are talking.

"Ace, come get him!" Sabo breathes as he walks to the back of the bakery, away from the customer's eyes. The blonde's head is turns backwards to keep a watchful eye on their feathered friend. "The bastard scared the shit out of me man, suddenly popping up near my feet and hissing at me when I almost hit him." Sabo's voice sounding incredulous as if he doesn't believe it himself.

"There's no way a damn pigeon hissed at you, I mean it's a bird not a cat." Ace barks a laugh. His brother is having a wild imagination today.

"I'm not making this up, I swear he did!" Sabo insists, expressing just how real this is. "Whatever, just get it out will ya." His face set annoyed as Ace can't stop laughing.

While still in the middle of his fit of laughter, Ace makes his way to the front of the store and immediately spots their culprit of the day. The pigeon isn't the smallest nor is it very big, its feathers mainly grey while its back holds some sort of red hue. Not the average kind of pigeon that appears in their store on a daily basis, those are either very dark gray, gray or white.

Some of the customers had said that the pigeon might belong to someone as it appears to be very docile, but there is no way they can figure that out without capturing the damn bird.

Earlier today, both Ace and Sabo had complained to their gramps about the little ball of feathers that keeps pestering them to no end with his visits. They can't have animals in the store, so persistent pigeons are a definite no-go, no matter how much Luffy begs them to let Sjaak stay. Their gramps had told them that they shouldn't whine so much and just catch the bird if it proved to be such a bother.

"You're men right, then prove it and catch that oversized nugget with wings. Stop complaining to me about it and just do something. Damn brats."

Yes their gramps is a very motivational speaker.

And now, for the so many'd time today, Ace makes his way over to Sjaak. He had already grabbed the plastic blue crate that holds several holes, his aim is to capture the pigeon one way or another in this piece of hard plastic.

He sneaks closer, only one step away from his goal, Sjaak the pigeon. His arms raising in the air with the crate in between; waiting, calculating, to find the perfect moment to strike. Swiftly he moves down, trying to get the crate over the bird but he was too late. Sjaak had looked up and seen him, so they grey and red ball of feathers quickly scurried his way outside, all while bumping into the nearest wall in his haste to escape.

Luffy's laughter fills the air as the boy is close to face-smacking the floor with how unstable he stands, his hands gripping to his sides as his entire body is hunched over. Sabo isn't far behind, clutching the counter to keep himself stable and laughing loudly in Ace's direction.

"He saw your ugly ass face and hopped the hell outta here." The blond managed to wheeze out in a breathless voice.

"Sjaak is smarter than you, stupid Ace." Luffy happily chimes in.

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