Dancing With the Sorcerers

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Luz was walking around the Boiling Isles as she hummed a happy tune being her usually optimistic and cheerful self. She then stumbled upon some sort of poster.
"Huh? What's this?" She walked a little bit closer in order to be able to get a better look at it.
"Hmmm, Dancing With the Sorcerers? Hmm, a dance competition"Hmm, hey, there's sign ups over there!" Luz said pointing at the huge line of dance couples signing in.

Out from around the corner, Amity walked past Luz. Her eyes noticed the colorful poster that Luz was staring at.

Amity walked up behind Luz, " What's this all about?" Amity mumbled half to herself and half to Luz.

Luz yelped in surprise and jumped as she then fell on her back and groaned. She then gets up as she groaned rubbing her back in slight pain from the collision to the ground.
"Oh hey Amity. Ya scarred me. oh I was looking at this poster. I think they're having a dance contest." She then got up from the ground and dusted herself off removing the dust that got onto her clothes when she fell.

Amity chuckled, "Sorry about that."

Bringing her attention back to the poster, Amity studied it carefully.
"Hm, says the winners get a real gold trophy," she stated. "I wonder how you enter this contest?"

Luz scratched her chin as she hummed a little to try and help herself focus to try and find the solution. She looked around until she eventually spotted the place to sign up.
"Hmm, hey, there's sign ups over there!" Luz said pointing at the huge line of pairs signing in.

"Like you have a chance" A new male voice called from a distance as this person was heading towards the direction that Luz and Amity were at.

"They should just give Boscha and I the trophy. She and I are 6 time champs" The male witch boasted as he chuckled. He was slightly toned and pretty tall. He had the most gorgeous silky blond hair and blue eyes. Next to him was Boscha. She was giving her usual cocky smile as she clings onto his arm.

A bunch of female teenage witches were squealing as they witnessed this dashing male teen. Some of the girls even passed on in bliss from just glancing at him for only a second.

"Oh my gosh! It's Maximus! He's so hot!" A random person squealed as they were fanning themselves.

Amity glared daggers at Maximus. Whether it be a good trait or a bad trait, Amity was extremely competitive.

She glanced back over at the pairs of people. The rules of the competition stated that there were to be no solo dancers. Everyone had to have a partner.

Amity turned her focus back to Luz and tried to hide any nervousness she may be showing.

"Hey Luz.. your interested in this dance competition thing, right? Well, everyone needs a partner, and I was just thinking..." Amity trailed off, waving her hand around, implying that she was asking Luz to be her partner.

"Yeah....what up?" Luz asked as she smiled at her. "Ya need a partner or something. Hey maybe we could enter together! It would be so much fun!"

"Yes, it would be," Amity said, giving a tiny smile. "Shall we go sign up then?" she questioned, as she began walking towards the line.

"Maybe Willow and Gus along with Eda and King can help us too. Perhaps be a practice audience" Luz said as she goes over and signs up

"And maybe your siblings as well" Luz added

"That's a good idea. I already know Ed and Em will be excited to watch." Amity chuckled.

After a brief moment of signing her name, Amity asks "What type of dance routine do you think we should do anyways?"

Then after thinking for a moment, she silently added "Do humans know how to dance?"

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