to close to the flame

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10-year-old Kat looked at her house for the last time what used to be a beautiful farmhouse was now a pile of burning wood. Her eyes filled with tears. She heard her mom shout her name, her father grabbed her and pulled her away from the blazing house, he went in. The flames burned high, she felt the heat from where she was sitting. After a few minutes of waiting her father came out holding something-or should I say someone. And when she saw who it was she broke down and wept harder than she ever had, and probably ever will. It was her mother, no longer shouting my name but stuck in an unending silence; death...

Kat looked at her mother, cold and dead in the wooden coffin, she was expecting a child Kat was going to have a brother. She no longer cried as she had been for the past two days, she was stuck, stuck in the feeling of loneliness. It felt like darkness was pushing at her from all sides. She didn't want her mom to go into the ground, she would never see her again. She closed her eyes and a hot tear streamed down her cheek. It was like she couldn't think, why was this happening to her? What did she do wrong? Her father was weeping, she'd never seen him cry before that day, but she did see him cry many more times after that. When she was younger she thought that he couldn't cry, she thought he was too strong to powerful for that. She didn't realize, everyone has feelings. She looked at her father's tear-stained face and then the ground, she swallowed hard not to let any more tears come down. 

       Everything was a blur-it was over so fast but it took so long her mother was eternally in the cold dirt; The funeral felt like an eternity yet so brief. Kat and her father stood there for a while everyone had left they were all alone and it was time to leave that place where her mother and baby brother would stay forever. When they got to the car Kat went in blankly, her dad shut the door and locked it he started the car and drove, as he drove he broke down and wept harder than before. She had a feeling that driving and crying wouldn't work very well "DAD!" she shouted as they were about to ram into a semi-truck she heard a crush than suddenly silents, her sorrow seemed to leave her there was a beautiful bright light she looked at it for a little while and all her worries melted away, she saw her mother standing there holding a baby boy.  "It is not your time Kat, take care of your father for me will you?" she whispered. She looked into her mother's kind eyes and sadly smiled. As the light faded away she heard her mother's sweet voice say "You'll be fine Kat. I am perfectly happy where I am, so you can be too." 

 Kat opened her eyes and she was in a hospital bed. She somehow knew that her father was alright and she would be too. Now she knew what she had to do, she had to get well, take care of her father and live her life...


Hey everyone! Thank you SO MUCH for reading my short story! I hope you enjoyed it-

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