Mary's first glimpse

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They were scared, she could sense it. Their heavy breathing and thudding hearts, she could hear it. The sweat dripping down their oddly shaped faces, she couldn't see it but she could smell it and picture their exact features in her head. This was something different, like her but not. Was it a threat or was it prey? She scurried back down the long narrow hole she burrowed and back to society.
    She hummed as she rhythmically crawled through the enclosure she had made. Her feet and hands compacting the dirt even more as they dug above and below her. She always enjoyed the way fresh dirt felt between her toes and fingers.  Making holes and ultimately tunnels was a meditative process, solitude a comfort.
Halfway back down she could sense Ezekiel's presence coming up the tunnel. "I sensed something different and found others not like us and bigger outside the Society gathering area," she told him.
"We will have to move society, the cold steel creatures will soon follow like last" he replied. She had faint memories of the last move because she was only a few seasons old but she remembered the fear and struggle that followed. "We must be quicker than we were last time, let us go tell the others" he added. She let out an exhale of agreement and they continued down the tunnel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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