Hug A Slytherin

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AN: This is a one shot that isn't too common but I still really want to do it. Enjoy!!


Everything was normal in the Great Hall during Breakfast. Kids/students were chatting and eating and the teachers were conversing as well. But not Severus, no. He sat at the edge of the table, never to close to anyone. He usually never joins in on conversations and only spoke when asked a question. The bags under his eyes are more pronounced than usual and his hair is in a low ponytail. The Heads of the Houses noticed this and they shook their heads softly at the isolation of the Young Head of Slytherin. This has been going on a while and it needs to stop. For the mental and physical health of all the Slytherins.

Minvera turned her head towards the other Heads of the Houses (Filius and Pomona) and mouthed "My office at 6."

The others gave a small sign of confirmation. They too believed that this unhealthy behavior of isolation has been going on for way too long.


At 6 in Minerva's Office


"So," Minerva started, "what are we going to do about Severus? He AND his Snakes are drifting farther and farther away from us and closer to the Dark Side."

The 3 Heads thought for a bit. What did they lack that the other Houses didn't. Pomona's head shot up as she got an idea.

"AFFECTION!! How about a Hug A Slytherin Day?" She suggested. Minerva and Filius nodded. It was perfect. Hugs are said to mean more than a thousand words and are the remedy to sadness and isolation. And they looked like they needed a hug or 50.

"But it has to be more than once a year because then it would be pointless." Filius added.

"That is true, Filius. So how about once a month or once a week...?" Pomona trailed off.

"We should ask Albus." The other 2 Heads nodded as they went to the Headmasters office.

Upon arriving at the Gargoyles, Minerva gave the password with a look of disgust. "Finger Pudding."

 The Gargoyles leapt to the side, allowing them passage. Once the climb up the stair was at an end, they strode up to the door and Minerva knocked 3 solid times.

Not a moment later did the door open to reveal a twinkly eyed Headmaster.

"Hello Minerva, Pomona, Filius. What brings you here? Would you like some tea, perhaps?" Albus asked as he allowed them in.

"Yes, tea would be delightful." Answered Filius as Albus summoned a House Elf, who in turn got the 4 of them a nice cup of Chamomile Tea.

Their was a pleasant silence while they drank their tea delicately. 

"We have a concern." Started Pomona as she took another sip of tea.

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