Blood in the Water - Teaser

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     The sound of fist colliding against another person could be heard. A fight had been ensuing until the distinct sound of a switchblade being drawn, then another.
"Really think this will end well princess?"
"Well, for a matter of fact I do"
     As the two lunged towards one another, a siren could be heard going off. Swearing under each other's breath, one another quickly made a run for it, going their own ways, not making it far. Getting tackled to the floor mere inches from their bikes as a muffle groan is heard, "another Hound versus Vulture? When will you idiots learn..." cuffs locked around the pair of wrists for each of them. Tossing them into separate police cruisers.
     Growing up in Vegas teaches you a few things. Knowing how to read a person, to know if you need to worry about them. Growing up as a biker and as the daughter of a infamous motorcycle club president teaches you another thing or two. The heiress to the title of leader carries a lot of wait within the club, it also carries a lot of baggage when crossing paths with gangs.
     The bright lights of Vegas streets are normally quite a sight to drive by. Being in the back of a cruiser ready to be thrown into a holding cell and knowing your bike probably has been impounded is quite the mood killer. Being booked and processed before being thrown into a group holding cell. Looking around a single person caught my eye.
     Another teen, wearing a pair of torn dark blue jeans, a crimson  leather jacket with a crest of a bird with a curved beak and sharp talons, having a lowered hood attached to the jacket itself. Having black hair with the ends bleached and dyed white having an undercut sided over to the right, a studded choker having the leather onyx with the studded part matching that of his jacket, and what I physically remember as a pair of crimson steel tipped boots. That young man is Justyn Taylor Jr, or more prominently known as Slackjaw. 
"Seems like the officer threw me into the same cell as a filthy Vulture," I smirked.
"Well if it isn't Seven, didn't take enough of a beating?" Justyn groaned.
"Don't know what you're referring to, you're the ass who kicked me with steel toe boots."
"You're the crazy bitch that pulled a knife on me!" he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Shut up in there," an officer approached the holding cell, "we've contacted your parents, consider yourself lucky that we're only confiscating the blades, not holding you over night, along with contacting your school about this. Don't make me change my mind."
     Remaining silent for the rest of that fateful night till getting picked up, exchanging glares and sly smirks. Taking a few hours till a man dressed in blue jeans and a worn, aged, leather jacket with a variety of different sort of patches, all meaning there own thing, having there own stories, along with swept back greasy hair along with a goatee. This man was my old man, Deacon Madison, also known simply as 'Deek'.
"Hey kid," dad approached as the officer unlocked the cell, "ready to get out of here?"
"Hell yeah," I quickly jumped to my feet, fixing my jacket, "the sooner the better!"
“Well then Seven, let's be on our way.”
     My father and I got out the doors and quickly to his bike. Quickly throwing my hands up, catching my helmet from him. Hearing the roaring motor and engine from the bikes. Getting on the back holding on before we begin to drive. Riding through the streets back to the club house, dad parking his bike before dropping the kick stand. 
     It doesn’t take long for us to take our helmets off and begin heading to the door. Once that door opened, we could hear the crowd of Hounds shouting and cheering upon the arrival of their leader. Father didn’t waste any time grabbing himself a drink and getting up onto stage before everyone, giving a toast to my safe return and my fight against a Vulture. 
     Memembers pat me on the back and raise a glass to me before allowing the next person to do the same. Going through the motions, taking a seat and getting myself a drink. A simple rum and coke, swirling my drink after every sip, awaiting till everyone was finished. Taking a glance over, I could see dad talking to his second in command and the exchanging of cash before the vice made his leave. Dad made his way over, passing members, stopping before me. “Hey sweetie, I got Mad Dog going to the impound and will be picking up your bike,” dad smiled lightly. 
“Thanks dad,” I look around briefly, “and thanks for bailing me out”
“No problem Seven, I think arrangements are in order”
“Huh?” I look at him, slightly confused, hearing the door open again.
“Well Seven, you’ve earned your colors,” Mad Dog grinned, handing my father a jacket.
     It was a black with violet lining and a fresh coat of leather palm. Slowly taking the jacket from my father as he handed it to me, I admired and looked at the patches inspecting very last detail. The back read out Cerberus Hounds along the top and the bottom reading West Side. The middle had three separate heads of dogs, These patches were all in a nice Violet, standing out against the fresh black leather. Flipping it over and inspecting the front, seeing the Member patch along with a smaller version of the Motorcycle Club’s (MC) insignia above the rank. A Diamond shape patch with the letters FTW in the middle, a circle with the number 13 with what I notice finally, a bit shamefully, a patch called the Red Cross.
“We were going to wait till the morning to give this to you, we think you deserve it,” dad paused long enough to look around to the gathering crowd, “for your eighteenth birthday, you get to be an official member of the Cerberus Hounds Olivia.”
“I don’t know what to say,” I looked up stunned at the gathered crowd, “I’m overjoyed!”
     Slowly, I got up, giving one final look over the leather. Feeling it between my fingers tuning out the chattering. With a soft smile growing across my face, I looked up at the crowd before beginning to feed my arms through the respective places. Sliding the clubs colors on, giving one good tug, assuring it wasn’t going anywhere. I opened my arms wide and enveloped my father in a tight embrace.Not taking too long before he pulls away and holding my wrist brought it to the air making his announcement to the club. 
“Everyone here and now, here is our new official member. Olivia Madison, my daughter, Seven. She already done so much for all of us, I’m glad to have her now as an official member as of now. Now let's give Seven a proper recruiting ceremony!” 

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