File #1: Rodney

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June 14th, 2009

11:28 AM 

Dr. Collins

*Sighs* Today is day 1 of The Nuclear Waste experiments. For legal reasons, we can't start our experiments on the... animal we want to. So we're starting off simple. A mouse. A single mouse. *Sighs* Uh... Don brought him in today and handed me a file about the mouse he wants me to list off before we get started. So uh... Subject #1: Rodney... Rodney? *chuckles* Are you serious? *Sighs* Uh... Rodney, a mass of 0.74 oz. Is 4.56 inches in length. And It's heart beats on average 423 bpm. Is that normal? ... Really? Wow. Anyway, we will be releasing the ... Rodney's initial reaction seems to be his heart rate is steadily increasing. 

10 minutes later 

*Sighs* Don, we've been here for ten minutes. ... Well, I know. ... Okay. So, uh... I'm gonna end the audio log here. We will continue our research tomorrow at 11:30 I believe ... Yeah 11:30. End Communication. 

June 21st, 2009

11:25 AM

Dr. Collins

It has officially been one week of  The Nuclear Waste Experiments! *claps quietly* Yay. But, since our Rodney experiments have been going well, we can start our experiments on other animals. But, that will be Dr. Garcia's problem *chuckles*. Anyway, starting today's log off right away, we're sending Dr. Adams in there to collect Rodney's numbers. ... 

Rodney has a mass of 0.83 oz . His heart now beats 451 bpm. And his- ... *chuckles* [different voice: What?] His length has increased to 4.63 inches. [What? You're kidding]  Unless Adams is pulling a prank on us that's what the paper says. *cheers are heard throughout the room* So the experiments are going great. We have successfully managed to mutate a mouse's length by 0.07 of an inch. End Communication! 

June 28th, 2009

11:29 AM

Dr. Collins

We did it. We have completed 2 weeks of The Nuclear Waste Experiments. I heard that the other experiments have been going well. Ours indeed has. Yesterday, Rodney had a mass of 0.9 oz, an average bpm of 467, and a length of 4.89 inches. Adams is currently in there measuring Rodney. And it just occurred to me that in the first week of Rodney's experiment, he used to move around at least a little bit. But now he just stays in the same place. Doesn't it kind of look like he's staring back at us? ... *incoherent mumbling* *laughter* ... Here comes Dr. Adams. Thank you. ... Rodney's mass is 1.2 oz... His bpm is 458? Uh... and his length is 5.45 inches! Wow, that's uh Improvement... End Communication

June 28th, 2009

10:48 PM 

Dr. Collins

Okay, I know that there's something wrong with Rodney. And despite our team not monitoring him while he sleeps, I'm gonna stay here all night. All. Night. And prove that something is definitely wrong with him. Okay, *sighs* I'm going to open the blinds in front of the window ... *shrieks*  What the- He's not sleeping. He's just staring at me. Just like this morning... Okay Rodney, you better get comfortable, it's just gonna be you and me all night. 

June 29th, 2009

3:00 AM

Dr. Collins 

GAH! What- where- oh right. I'm in the lab. *groans* And you're still here... staring. What time is it? 3:00! Have you been like that all night?! Okay, there is something wrong with that Nuclear Waste. *blinds closing*  I'm gonna try and get some answers tomorrow- er today. But I'm gonna head back home. Linda's probably really confused. End Communication. 

July 7th, 2009

11:31 AM

Dr. Collins

Hello? Okay. I thinks it's been 3 weeks of research. I don't know. Dr. Adams is handing me... "Rodney's" statistics. *sighs* He has a mass of 2 oz. His heart rate is 402. And his length is 7.53 inches... Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I can't be the only person that's been noticing this! Rodney is getting unstable and you ALL know it. [Uh, Micheal, you need to just calm down-] You know what? No Don, I will not calm down. That... MONSTER is becoming a serious threat. I mean, Look At Him! He's almost double the size when we first got him! He is LITERALLY twitching! I can't- [Well so are you! Mike, look at yourself. You look like you haven't slept in days! And we are literally scientists! We do stuff like this! We experiment! These are the results! If you can't handle that then maybe you don't belong in a lab! ... End Communication.]

July 10th, 2009

11:26 AM

Dr. Collins

This is *sighs* I lost count honestly, but anyway we're back with Rodney. Despite my many, many concerns. We're about to send Dr. Adams in to get the numbers per usual... 

11:28 AM 

Wait, What's happening? Adams? Adams? ADAMS? ARE YOU ALRIGHT? [Quick, Drain the gas!] *hissing* *loud ripping* *screaming* Oh my god. [You were right] *BANG* *static*

Any logs about Rodney end there.  But I found security camera footage from the exact date and time. I can't exactly show you, but I'll do the best of my capability to describe it. Dr. Adams walks into the lab in a hazmat suit. He does what he does everyday, measure. Then all of a sudden, he passes out. Dr. Collins and Dr. Walker shout and try to get in there, but do to the high levels of nuclear waste, they can't get in there. Like stated in the log, Dr. Walker tries to drain the gas back into a tank. That's when Rodney starts to hiss, as if the he knew they were taking the chemicals away, and he was against it. The hissing got louder. That's when for the first time since they brought Rodney to the lab, he closed his eyes. He started to scream in agony. Rodney was tearing at his flesh, leaving rips in the muscle, forcing blood to pour out. Then it happened. An absolutely terrifying ripping noise sounds throughout the room as bloody bones began to break through the flesh from his spine. The sound in itself is enough to scar somebody for life. The Scientists watched in absolute horror as the monster that they are responsible for launched itself at Dr. Adams. Tearing apart the rubber suit. Scooping chunks of meat from his body, ripping through the skin before letting out an unearthly noise as he turned around to face the rest of the doctors. He launched himself at the window, shattering it to pieces. Attacking Dr. Collins first, he clawed at his eyes before they eventually popped out in a bloody mess. Dr. Walker ran out of the room. Rodney killed the rest of the doctors in the room. Each death more bloody, brutal and gruesome than the last. Rodney scampers out of the lab doors. No one makes it out alive. No one knows what killed them. No one knows of Rodney. No one knows where Rodney is. It was one terrible accident the world will never know. 

July 10th, 2009

11:28 Am

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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