One life

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We all start at the beginning and somewhere in our journey we lose sight of the goal and as a result we often find ourselves at the end of the road with nothing but bitterness, hatred, sorrow and regrets. What kind of a life are you living right now? Are you proud of the way that house have been living? Have you done all that you have wanted to do in your life?We often find our true selves at our death beds, that us when we discover our purpose and all the answers on how we were supposed to live and what we were suppose to do with our live. The hard part about it is that it will be too late and when we have everything figured out we would be on our way to the afterlife.

Why not start at the end then? What we fail to realize is that each day that passes by gets us closer to our deathbed and the end is closer than we think. If you were to die today what is it that you will regret the most? That is a very good way to start off your day. Make amends, apologies if you have to, forgiveness is a must in this equation as I have realized that at the end it will not matter what wrongs people did to you. At the end I have seen people making things right with their families and friends because no one wants to pass on with unresolved issues. My question to you now is why wait for the end when you can do all this now and today. Why continue living with baggage which does nothing but weights you a down and slow you down. Why not free yourself from this suffering, why not let go. As we live, at some point people will disappoint us and we will face betrayal, that is bound to happen and how we react to this matters the most. Firstly, you are not the first person to experience this and also at some point you have wronged others as well. In history, Hitler is said to have killed a lot of Jews, imagine how those people who were killed felt or how their loved ones who were left behind felt. The pain of losing the one that you love is unbearable. This goes to show that everyone in life receives their fair share of challenges. Carrying these only makes things worse.

We should learn to let go and move forward with our lives. We have only one life to live and there are no second chances, there is more to life. With the time that is left why not create memories worthy of your time such that when you reflect you will look back at a life well lived. What kind of a man or woman do you want to be remembered as. There is no one like you and there will never be anyone like you. Basically this is how I have seen fitting for me to live under the son.

Firstly, love yourself. This took me years to understand but its quite easy if you look at it this way, you are nowhere near perfect,you make mistakes, you might not have everything you wish to have and you may have or yu might be embarrassing yourself from time to time but that doesn't matter at all. With all those imperfections you are fine just the way you are. Forgive yourself and accept yourself and once you have done that, focus on improving yourself and try to be the best that you can be. If you can love yourself then loving and embracing others becomes easier. Human beings can never be perfect and by accepting your weakness you also learn to accept the weakness and mistakes that others make .

When we look at it, there isn't much to do in this life so why not enjoy life since we are already here and waiting to die. Challenges are there and will always be there so why not focus on the positive that is in our lives. Everyone has something to be grateful for, you just have to look at your life and you will see so of the blessings that you have and have failed to appreciate over time. Laugh more, Livermore, give and spend time with your friends and family, talk to your loved ones whom you have not talked to for years. Just call then and say hie and after the phone call, trust me your will not regret it but rather you will be delighted. Work on your marriage and relationships, treat everyone equally and be a better person. Strive to be a good husband/wife, a good mother/father and a good friend and at the end your will look back at a life well lived.

Be happy and enjoy life because you only have one life

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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