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This book is written to inspire women to speak up for themselves and to believe in not only their dreams but their worth and social opinions.
It involves the roles of male figures in their lives and how different they are yet still connected.

Note that this book is not written to offend anyone ,as it expresses the opinions and thoughts of the first person /narrator.


Don't tell me what to wear.
Don't tell me what to say.
Don't tell me what to do!
Don't tell me how to act...
I wanna be myself.

My very own self.

I can wear my slippers to the mall if I want to.
I can wear my heels in my nightgown before I go to bed.
I can sit in a boardroom with only men and not intimidate them nor manipulate them but sell them the  best business deal because of my intelligence.

I'm not bragging but I am stating facts ; only problem is these facts are turned into myths due to society's oppression on woman,their ideal woman  mentalities and what I can do and not do.What I can say and not say.

Sometimes I feel like I can't say anything at all!

         Uhmmmmm...why exactly?

Oh no honey stop guessing....The answer is before you ; open your mind and think about it.

You see ,woman are not only told what to do but they also told what not to say.

Yep.I appreciate those men who stand up for woman!
The fathers who raise their babies into well raised adults.Those who cannot be around but pay child support ,those who would take 10 bullets for their daughter or teach their sons to be well groomed gentlemen so that they too can be a good man some day.
Let's mention the fathers who put food on the table no matter the challenges they face ,those who don't sleep at night because they fear that anything bad could happen and they should be there to protect their little cupcake,sugarplum,chubby-cheeks,daddy's pumpkin,my dudu,my little star,my precious princess, my little man....

Yet I still miss the majority to be those great men!

Now these days it's kinda rare to find those type of fathers but not rare at all to find single mothers...

But no wait...

I told my mom I would never call her a single mother or single parent for that matter.I would refer to her as a mother with daughters or for that fact the Independant Queen.

Most queens have kings because it is believed that a queen needs the king's input on the ruling of the kingdom.
Nope...I say if you can be it you can do it.

Why do we have to be intimidated when we walk into a boardroom or when we work in a male- dominated industry?
Let's talk about feeling like a failure when you let your guard down to the world and end up crying but with fingers pointing at you and mouths uttering ;

"Shame on you!"

When you feel ashamed to speak your mind because you afraid someone will say...

"That is men business not yours concern yourself in the kitchen..."

That is absolutely stupid and beyond !

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