January 1, 2010

35 0 0

Dear diary,

I got this diary for Christmas, but I decided to wait until the first of the year to use it. Last night my mom had some friends over for New Year's Eve. They were all drinking and I'm pretty sure they were doing drugs, but that wouldn't be a surprise. My dad died last year from cancer, my mom is all I have left, even if she isn't completely stable. I suppose that, well since it's my first entry ever, I should tell you about me. When my mom was pregnant with me she was heavily on drugs. She isn't as bad anymore but she still does them. I do them too actually. But I really mostly take pills. They help me take the pain away and replace it with a different kind of pain. At school, no one really talks to me, I guess you could say I'm a loner. I'm just an average 16 year old loner. The way I see it, everyone has flaws. Some people are insecure, some use everyone around them, some hide every bad emotion that have. So, what's my flaw you ask? Well, I guess you could say my biggest flaw is that, I'm addicting to killing people. My parents always kinda knew there was something different about me, when they would find skinned animals in the old barn. My dad blamed my mom for doing drugs when she was pregnant. He was an alcoholic. That's why he died. It caused his liver to go out. I say he died of cancer and technically, I'm not lying. He did have cancer. It was in his lungs though. He chain smoked. The doctors said it was a race between his liver and his lungs on which would kill him first. It was his liver, barley. No one outside of the doctor, me, and my mom knew he drank so much. So, we decided to tell everyone at the funeral that it was the lung cancer. They bought it. I guess, even in death, my father still has his pride. You may wonder, why would a killer, a cold blooded killer, need a diary. Well mostly for my mom. I think she wants to prove to herself that I do, indeed possess human emotion. I just wanted to use it to document every kill and how I did it, but I guess I'll use it for both purposes. Speaking of which, let's talk about last night's kill.
My mom locked me out of the house so she could party with her friends in peace. So I did a celebration of my own, in the old barn, with a boy I found outside the mall. He thought he was going to spend a few hours with a hot girl, and that thought wasn't wrong, just what he thought we would be doing was wrong. I led him out to the old barn. When he started asking questions about why we were going there instead of the house I told him that the barn is my hang out spot, and it's where I spend most of my time, also not a lie. To him, it made sense. I reached it the door and grabbed my already prepped rag of chloroform and held it over his nose and mouth until he stopped struggling. I quickly pulled him into the old barn and set to work at strapping him into the chair I have bolted to the floor and ties cloth over his mouth. I sat and watched TV until he woke up. Once he woke up, I stabbed a knife into each of his legs just above the knees. I strapped tiny weight to the handles so they slowly slid into his legs. All of the straps I tied him down with had nails imbedded into them so every movement he made caused them to move around in his body as well. I took an axe and chopped off his fingers one at a time. Once I was done I poured lighter fluid all over his body then as the count down to midnight hit 0, I dropped a lit match on him and watched him burn alive. Soon after the flames ceased, I sat and waited outside the door for my mom to allow me back in, so I can rest from my fun and exciting night.

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