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"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" the sound of the alarm clock always finds a way to disturb me, Laila thought.
"AaRRgHh.." she sighed and got up. She glanced at her phone to see any notifications. She was suprised to see her cousin, Milo to text her early in the morning. "hey laila! u know that gym i was talking about? yeah, i worked there 😂" "it's about time u have a job as a 23 y/o" laila replied. "hey i was wondering if u can be my +1 to my manager's bday party?? it will be hella fun 🥺👉🏻👈🏻" "Ok." she didnt wanna go though, but its been 3 weeks since she moved to aruba and its time to make some new contacts. She got up from her bed and went into the shower.


A car pulled up in front of her and the front windows came down. She saw Milo's face and smiled at him. "You're early" she said. "Im a cHaNGed MaN Ok?"
*whatever* she said under her breath. Laila is not a party type of person but she has a pretty good fashion sense. She wore a black t-shirt with camo green leather jacket with white leggings and matching boots. While they were walking towards the entrance Laila felt a huge bump on her shoulders and she fell to the concrete ground. She looked up and saw a boy looking down to her. Laila face's expression started to change to a more agressive look. Its clear she's going to beat him up*. The boy's eyes widen up and he immediately got into the gym without saying nothing. " Are you okay?" Milo asked her and lend a hand to her. "Im okay, what a prick." Laila said with an annoying voice. When she got inside the gym she didnt find the boy though. She sat on a chair near to the bar table. She looked on every corner of the gym. "this place is neat" she thought. After some while Milo came to her and gave her a card. "What's this?" she asked with literal confusion. "Someone bought you a gym membership for one year, dude. that's probably the most expensive thing to buy, but. if you dont want it you can give it to me" Milo tried to conviced her with a generous smile. "Nah, i'll take it. bytheway who bought this for me?" Laila asked still being confused. "Look around, maybe you'll find him" He smirked and left to the buffet table.

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