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 they were soulmates, they were perfect for each other, they were all they need for each other, but there were no feelings. there was nothing romantic going on between Avena and Calum. they weren't friends with benefits, they didn't secretly wish they were more, they were just Ave and Cal, the best friends you will ever find.

Avena and Calum had no secrets between each other, it was a rule they made when they were young. Even if they would end up hurting each other with the truth, they still respected the other enough to always be honest. they grew closer and closer every day, they were in their own world, not letting anyone ruin their friendship.

everyone thought Ave and Cal would end up together, some thought they were together. even their parents thought that they would be perfect together, but soon understood that they were better off as friends, as it would be a much healthier relationship.

you see, Avena and Calum both were bad with relationships. the main reason that neither of them could find love was because their significant other would get jealous of the relationship Ave and Cal had. when one of them would find someone, who didn't care about the friendship they had, they would end up having commitment issues. what can you expect from teenagers though?

The two knew everything about each other. They both knew the other's favorite color, favorite TV show, favorite food, favorite song, and they knew the nasty parts of each other's lives as well. They knew each other's bad habits, trauma, pet peeves, mental disorders, and what could hurt the other. The thing is, they were the only ones who knew anything about Ave and Cal. No one in school knew a thing about the two, they were so closed off to the world. People at school tried to get to know them at first, but Avena and Calum weren't interested on making any friends since they had each other.  

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