New Assistant 1/2

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a/n: if others don't know resume well resume is a formal document that an applicant creates to list their qualifications for a specific position.

Or in a simple word it's like a paper with all of your qualifications and uses to get a job.


Jungkook's POV

I wake up because of the shouts of my mother downstairs, i grab my pillow and cover my face with it. It's still early in the morning

"Wake up you lazy coconut head! i heard she shouted, i groaned in annoyance before getting up on my bed. I look at the time and groaned a little after realizing it's almost 7 o'clock now.

I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to have a bath now  because i don't want to be late on my first day of my work.

after showering i came in to my walk in closet and choose a decent clothes for my first day today, I just wear a black trouser partnered with a white polo shirt and also a coat. I smiled at myself infront of the mirror before grabbing my phone,car keys and also my bag before going downstairs

"Good morning, mom" I said and kisses her on the cheecks before sitting beside her "are you sure you will be alright at that company?" she asked before giving me a cup of coffee

I smiled at her and nodded "yes mom, i will be alright there don't worry" i said to her before eating my breakfast now.

"Mom! i'll leave now!" I shouted and started to put on my shoes "here have this banana milk, it will give you good luck because it's your favorite" she said to me and giggled a bit before handing me a bag with three banana milks and also two breads inside. 

"Mom! you didn't have to" i said to her and pouted a bit 

"it's okay baby it's a good luck,"

"now good on or else you will make your boss mad" she said and pinches my cheecks softly, i smiled at her before saying goodbye again to her.

I got inside my car and started driving now, i sighed while driving my car 

i just wish that my boss will be good and not rude to me...

I stopped at a huge blue building, i look at the building with wide eyes and open mouth

this building is huge as hell! 

I went to the parking lot and parked my  car there before looking at the building again,

'Kim's Vale Corporation.'

"Kim's Vale Corporation? sounds unique i guess?" I said to myself but i just shrugged it off before entering the building, as soon as i went inside the building there's no people inside.

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