The Package

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As on most days, Anya makes the small walk down to the PO box to collect the endless flood of fan mail that arrives at the Yogscast's door. She couldn't complain though. It was her job, being an admin, to do this stuff. Collect mail, sort through mail, hand out mail, mail mail. Anything to do with mail, her level of expertise. It wasn't considered as fun a job as what some of the others got to do, but she got to work with her best friends. How could that not be considered good.

Plus the route she walked everyday was beautiful. Flowers of all kinds lined the pavement, trees grew up high into the sky and many examples of stunning wildlife would often be spotted lurking around this area.


But something didn't feel right, she is uncomfortable. It's like there is something wrong, that she could see something wrong. Though as she looks ahead she can see nothing different, nothing that should be putting her through this discomfort. She frowns. She didn't like this feeling of not knowing, it makes her feel worse. Maybe she was just imagining this, making this feeling up, but why would she? She had know reason to. Today wasn't different then any other day.

As Anya arrives at the box, she stops to get the mail, that's when she notices. Someone was watching her. They were hidden in the corner of her eye, where no one goes to look. Taking a deep breath, she risks taking a quick glance over at the figure. They were entirely cloaked in black as if they were hiding something. She quickly turns back and hurriedly takes the packages out of the box. She didn't really look at them but turns to hastily run back to the office.

Something even more unsettling quickly became apparent. The figure has gone.

She quickly surveys the area but they are nowhere to be seen. She is struck by a heightening sense of fear. Where had they gone? Taking a deep breath, she runs back down the road to Yogtowers. All she can think about was the person she has seen, not concentrating on the world around her.

"Ow," she cries, dropping all the stuff she has been carrying.

She looks up at the man she has run into. She suddenly feels a sense of warmth as she realises the familiarity of the people staring down at her.

"Minty, why are you crying?" Smith asks.

"What?" she replys, putting her hand up to her cheek. She was crying, she hadn't even realised. "Oh, Smith," she says, pulling herself into a hug,"I was so scared."

She continues to blubber into Smith's chest as he asks, "what the hell happened?"

"There was a man...or a woman...or a something, they were following me. Then they weren't and I don't know where they are now or if they are coming or what they are doing. I don't even know what they looked like it terrifies me."

"We should get you inside," says Smith.

As this little scene continues to play out, in the background the two other members of 'H.A.T' watch on.

"He gets all the girls doesn't he?" Says Ross, clearly interested in the affair.

"Are you joking? She's obviously upset and distressed. I mean, she's crying into his arms! Not only that, she is are friend, we're meant to care about her!" Trott does his best to keep his voice as quiet as he can, trying not to hurt her anymore than she already was.

"Yeah, but do you think they wanna pork?"

Trott lets out a small grunt, his friend has obviously no compassion. He looked around at the pile and tried to find something with which to distract himself.

He saw something.

"What the hell is this?" Trott said, picking up one of the packages.

"Wha...what?" Minty said, pulling herself out of Smith's arms and coming over to look at the box.

It was metal, and engraved in strange symbols. It wasn't heavy though, it was actually quite light. But sure enough, it was addressed to the Yogscast.

"That's..." Smith trails off, "awesome! Come on Minty, let's get you back and look at whatever the hell this does!" He snatches the box out of Trott's arms and uses his other hand to pull Minty. They run off towards the door leaving Ross on Trott to pick up everything else.

But as they sat picking up the load, neither of them could shake the feeling that something was watching them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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