Meeting her (prolouge)

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You had been running for hours. But you finally found an alleyway to hide in. Surprisingly your bullies did not see you run into the ally. And they ran past you. You were safe. "Hello?"

You jumped and slammed your eyes shut in fear as you heard a female voice call out to you. The hair on your neck stood up and you prepared yourself to be hit. But it never came. You slowly opened your eyes and looked over to see a girl around your age. She had creamy blond hair in pigtails and green eyes that almost looked like they were shining. She had a light pink scarf wrapped around her neck with a baggy black sweater on. She has pink jeans and sneakers. Her face was contorted into a sympathetic but slightly annoyed look. You tried to speak up to her but nothing came out. You just let out a sigh and put your face in your knees as you started to weep. The girl became confused with your sudden crying but she then came over too you "hey, what's wrong?" She muttered trying to keep up a strong persona. She then noticed the bruises all over you "oh.. are you ok?" She said as she stepped over to you and sat down next to you so she could get a better look at your hurt body. You sniffles as you felt her sit down next you you. "N-no.." you responded but your voice was muffled by your face being in your knees. The strange girl thought back to seeing the girls that chased after you. She realized what was going on. And for some strange reason she felt bad for you. "Do you need help getting home..uh..-" "it's (Y/N).." you said as she was clearly confused on what your name was. "Right.. (Y/N) do you need help getting home?" She asked you standing up and putting a hand out. "Yea.. thanks..uh.. miss-" you replied giggling a bit as you took her hand and she helped pull you up. She was relatively strong and her helpful hand brought you close to her. You felt your face hear up at such close contact and you stepped back. "Oh, er- sorry about that.. I'm Marra by the way." She whispered to you in a kind tone. You gave her a warm smile and walked back to her grabbing her hand getting ready to walk home with your possibly new and only friend. Marra flinched at your sudden touch but calmed down. "Welp, you ready to get out of this ally way?" "Ready as I'll ever be." You told her before walking out hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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