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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

Prologue w/ author's note:

        Heyyyooo. Sorry I'm weird. Let me start over. Hi. My name is Dana Ross. I'm 17 years old. I come from a wild and loud British family of six. My dad is Marshall Ross, he is a business man. He works for a factory that builds musical instruments. He is of African American, Italian, and  Puerto Rican decent. While, my mom is only of English decent, and is Caucasian. Her name is Nina Ross. She is just a house wife, she always just stays at home with me and my siblings. I have one older sister, that is 24 years old, named Carmena Ross, considering we were raised around a father who, not only built musical instruments, but also played them, she grew up very musically talented, thanks to him. He taught her everything he knew about playing music, and after that, she became better at it than he even was. So she's a musician. She attends college at this 'prestigious' music school, in New York. Julliard. I also have two little brothers, that are both 6 years old, named Tom and Jerry. My parents always Loved that show, so that's where my brothers get their names. It sounds even better because they're twins. Which also kind of makes them even more annoying.

       I was born and raised in Bradford, UK. I haven't really been to much places. But, I do have a passport because I've had to go out of the country before, to  the US, because of Carmena moving to New York. Unfortunately, my parents made me help her.

      My parents always pay more attention to my brothers and sister. It's like they're more important than me. It's because they are all so talented. My sister got accepted to Julliard, for goodness sake. She's a great musician. My brothers are supposed to be in the 1st grade, but they take 5th and 6th grade classes, because they are like super smart, and then I'm just regular. Sure, I act like a weirdo, so I'm not normal, but it's not like I have any kind of special talent. My sister can also dance and sing great, so she's always putting on shows when she's at home, and my brothers are also adorable, so they are her back up dancers, so that also puts all my parents' focus on them, while I just sit up in my room, or hang out with my best friend. When you guys find out that my best friend is a GUY, a boy, you might think pervertedly, but we don't do anything wrong ever. Usually, when I'm at his house, my parents never even notice that I'm gone, they are always too busy with my siblings. Sooo anyway, my family knows my best friend and they know that he is my best friend. And guess what else? He's also talented. More than my sister, actually, he's an amazing singer. One of the best, but no one would ever know that, because he is not famous. But, anyway, my parents are perfectly okay with him being my best friend, they are even okay with us being alone, with the door closed. Not that this is going to happen, but they should really pay more attention to me before I end up having sex with him, and getting pregnant. I wonder if they know that. I mean, like, what if I was one of those really bad teens, and decided to rebelle against them, and purposely get myself pregnant or even accidentally. What if I went to clubs, college parties, did drugs, used fake IDs, and slept around, and ended up pregnant, and being a single teen mom. Damn. What's wrong with my parents.

     So, you've heard so much about my best friend, but you don't actually know him, so let me tell some things about him. His name is Zain Javaad Malik, except he likes to replace the 'i' in his first name with a 'y' to make it seem more unique. He was also born and raised in Bradford. At school, he's known as the 'Bradford Bad Boy'. I'm really laughing inside every time I hear that. Wanna know why? Because he is so sweet, adorable, and cuddly, but not like a puppy dog, like a sweetheart. He is also 17. He's an amazing singer. Honestly, I like him. A lot. Well actually, more than like him a lot. I Love him. A lot. I'm in Love with him. We've always been soo close, so it's incredibly hard to not fall in Love with him. We have been best friends ever since we was 3 years old, when he moved down the road from me, and our parents set us up a play date. Ever since then, we've been inseparable. He's always had my back. Like in the 9th grade, the first week of high school, we went to our first ever high school party, and I almost got gang raped by 4 different guys. But, out of Love, Zayn saved my life, he beat up all four of those guys, no matter how bad it hurt him, that night he played the part of my hero. He's never done anything wrong to me. He is amazing. Without him, I would most likely be dead by now. He's my Heaven.

Author's Note:

Hii guys!! This is my third book, since I opened my account. I know this probably wasn't the best idea, but I've been having writer's block lately, so instead of writing boring chapters in my other books, I thought I would take out a little while of time before I write another chapter in those books, so at least when I finally write in those again, they will be great chapters, instead of incredibly boring ones. So I hope you guys like my new book. I thought since one of my books is about Harry and another one is about Niall on a different account with my best friend Hayley (Top_Directioners_12), I thought I'd go ahead and write one about Zayn on this account and then probably another one about Niall on this account, and eventually one about Louis and Liam. But that will probably take a while. But anyway, please enjoy this book, and tell your friends about my books, if you do, I will be extremely grateful. So thank you so much if you do! Also, please read my books, and vote for my books, and comment and tell me what you think about them, and follow me please!! I'm Sooo sorry for my prologue being short, I will try my best to make my chapters a lot longer, not only in this book, but all my other ones too!! Love you guys!!

Lots of Love,

~Destiny <3 ~

P.S. On the side ---->>> A picture of Dana's best friend Zayn.

Also on the side ---->> The song 18 by One Direction (I LOVE THAT SONG <3 )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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